chapter 10

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TW: nightmare, Anxiety attack 



Mind link




Logan was sitting at his desk in his bedroom. It was Roman and Patton's date night Thursday night so that meant that they got the bedroom (Roman's) to themselves. They have group date nights and individual date nights in pearss, you see.  Anyway, back to logan. Logan hadn't gone to sleep yet, even though he should have ages ago. However, Logan was still doing work. He was trying to work out who Virgil, Janus and Remus's boss was so they could defeat him.

Suddenly, Logan hears a whimper coming from the room to the right of his Aka The last room in the hallway.   Logan quickly realised that was Virgil's room. He quickly got up and rushed out of his and into Virgil's to find out what's wrong.  

Once he got into Virgil's room, he found that Virgil was whimpering and whispering things in his sleep. Virgil looked to be in pain and like he was going to cry. Logan quickly rushed over to him, while being careful of the huge shadows that were attacking everything in the room, and tried to wake him up. "Shhhs Virgil. it's ok. I need you to wake up, Virgil. please wake up".

After a few more tries of this and of Logan tapping his shoulders, Virgil shoots up awake.  He was hyperventilating and his eyes were unfocused. Logan could clearly see he was having a panic attack. Logan calmly walked over and kneeled next to him.  "Virgil can you hear me?" Logan asked calmly. Virgil nods after a couple of seconds. "OK. I need you to breathe in for 6 seconds. 1, 2, 3, 4". Virgil starts coughing. "That's OK. Let's try again. 1. 2 3 4 5 6. That's good. Now hold for 7. '' Virgil does that "good. now released for 8". They repeat this motion until Virgil calmed down. By then it was 3 am. 

"Are you OK now?" Logan asked calmly. Virgil nods. "Do you think you can go back to sleep?" Logan asked him. Virgil shakes his head no. "Do you want to do a doctor who or a Star Wars jigsaw with me in the living room then until you can?". This time Virgil nods so they both head to the living. They decide to do the Doctor who jigsaw which was of the 10th Doctor.  They must've fallen asleep there because that's where everyone found them in the morning, cuddled up asleep on the couch. 

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