chapter 13

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TW: kidnap, Mr T



Mind link



It's been a week since Virgil confessed he had feelings for Roman, Logan and Patton to Janus and Remus.

It's been a week since Virgil started avoiding Roman, Logan and Patton.

It's been a 6 days since all the bad guys in the city decided to break out of prison and attack,

It's been a couple of days since Janus and Remus gave up on trying to get Virgil out of his room.

It's been a couple of days since Janus and Remus started helping the heroes track the buddies and giving the heroes hints at the Baddie's weakness.

Yes you heard me right, Janus and Remus started helping the heroes (the people they were trained to hate and to fight against) track down and put away the bad guys they grew up around. Janus and Remus never leave the building or fight the bad guys themselves in fear that Mr T would find them but they gave ideas, through the coms, on how to stop the baddies. Virgil didn't know about any of this though because the only time he came out of his room for food or the toilet was at night while roman, patton and logan were out on missions and everyone else was in the tech room on the computers and coms.

However, one night Virgil wasn't so lucky about being seen.

Virgil had sneaked out of his room a little later than normal for some odd reason. So when he got to the kitchen he unfortunately was met with an irritated Roman who had just got back from fighting one of the toughest villains yet this week who had escaped and he was just ready to collapse into bed. So when he spotted Virgil, who had been avoiding him and his boyfriends since the night of the break out, he just snapped.

"Well well well look who it is? The emo nightmare who has been a moody teenager all week" Roman said glaring at Virgil who tries to ignore him. When he doesn't get a response he starts raising his voice "So now you're ignoring me! Of course it's not beneath you to Ignore us and avoid us. It's not like we are the ones helping you get away from your evil boss." Roman doesn't hear as Virgil mumbled "I'm sorry" so he just carried on shouting at Virgil, taking all the anger, from the failed mission, out on Virgil. "OH YOU KNOW WHAT?! YOU ARE PROBABLY THE CAUSE OF ALL THIS. YOU ARE PROBABLY WORKING WITH MR T WITH GETTING ALL THESE BAD GUYS OUT TO ATTACK US AS A DISTRACTION FOR WHAT YOU AND YOUR BOSS ARE GOING TO DO TO THE WORLD. YOU ARE STILL AND WILL ALWAYS BE A BAD GUY, ANXIETY. THAT WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE TO DEFEAT. WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO RUNNING BACK TO YOUR MASTER AND GET YOUR PLAN OVER WITH BECAUSE YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A BAD GUY". Roman didn't releise what he shouted until he heard the from door slam shut and Virgil nowhere to be seen.

Virgil had done what Roman hadd said and had ran away. He didn't know where he was going, just that he needed to disape-




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