A message left on the wall, Kenma's disappearance leaving only one left

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Kenma felt strange, Hinata was clearly taken by the necklace. His eyes in just mere moments had turned to a bright red. And a clearly annoyed expression growing across his face. He let out a low growl jumping up and starting to walk away. "Hurry up if you're coming, if not stay here for all I care."

"Shoyo..." Kenma whispered. Hinata didn't turn back, instead he kept moving forward. "Shoyo please don't do this, don't act like you don't care. That's not who you are." he cried out trying to move, his legs felt stuck.

He crawled forward; his hand stretched out trying to reach out to Hinata. But Hinata just kept walking, Kenma finally fell, pain taking over. He hissed in pain curling up laying still in defeat. Hinata would be back, he trusted that.

"He'll be back." Kenma repeated a few times. Unaware of the figure approaching him from behind.

"He won't come back." Kenma jumped, his head being pulled to face the masked figure. "The reason he left was because you're a burden like this. It would be so much easier if you just gave up." the masked figure tilted his head, even with the mask covering everything but his eyes. Dark red eyes piercing through his skin.

"You don't scare me..."

"Oh, why's that?" he ran his fingers through Kenma's hair. Ignoring the way Kenma tried to push his hands away. "All the blood looks good on you; it really brings out your eyes." his hand retracted quickly.

"Leave me alone!" Kenma growled, pushing himself up crawling backwards only for his legs to be grabbed. The guy's grip tightening before he was thrown against the wall.

"Do you really think you can get away that easily little doll? You're all alone here, no one to help you. Not even that other boy will come back. Even if he does, that just means I have to move forward with my plan." Kenma saw something sharp sticking out of his pocket, a needle dripping with some kind of pink liquid.

Kenma thought back to the last place he saw Akaashi. There was a pink liquid that looked the same. His eyes widened, unable to look away from the figure. "It was you..."

"Of course, it's me." the figure paused looking at a watch. "We'll have to cut this time short, but I'll be back for you, my new little doll."

Kenma blinked slowly, flinching when he felt a needle poke his neck. The world started to go dark, his vision started to blur. The figure, whoever he was, had disappeared and he could hear yelling.

"Hey...what happened? Kenma, wake up. Stay awake Kenma, don't close your eyes, come on. What'd he do to you? You need to stay awake Kenma, I found an exit! I found a way for us to get out. We can go back..." Hinata shook him gently, hoping to keep the older boy awake, but it didn't work and with the last time Kenma's eyes opened he met Hinata's.

"You...came back." he smiled; his eyes closed for the last time.

"No... I'm sorry." Hinata pulled Kenma close to him, hugging the other. Listening to the soft breaths gave him only a bit of relief, still Hinata wasn't able to hide his tears. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I won't leave again. Just wake up please, then we'll get out of here."

He stayed there refusing to let Kenma go. Whether it was because he was worried that he would suddenly disappear or that he might not wake up was a different story. Hinata stared down the hallway testing anyone to walk down there.

Finally setting Kenma down, Hinata stood up stretching his arms into the air. Kenma seemed to move slightly, scaring Hinata. He blinked slowly, taking in his surroundings. "You're awake!"

Kenma lifted his hand up to his neck searching for the spot where the needle hit him. His head was still foggy from the effects of whatever was in the liquid. It felt numb, his body did. He could move but it didn't feel like he was. It was annoying, especially when he pushed himself up, his arm getting the full feeling only for a moment.

I'm Still just a Kid To you, Aren't I? Book 1Where stories live. Discover now