Shot 27

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Delhi Police Station.

Arvind sat face to face with Sudhadra Malik who had her head down low in the visitors' lounge of the station.

She couldn't even look at him due to the shame and disgust she was feeling for herself.

"It's your karma that murdered him. "

Subhadra's head snapped up and she burst out crying.

"He was always a good boy when he was little... We were so close and no one even knew we were stepbrothers but you poisoned him against me all because of your greed for power and money and look where he is now..... Dead and gone..... And I don't feel an ounce of sympathy or pity for him or you and it's all because of you...... I couldn't watch Arnav grow..... Khushi lost her parent because of you..... Everything would have been avoided only if you hadn't helped Deviyani in schemes and plots but you chose greed and now here we are...... This is the last time you will ever see me and I will make sure you are not in any way associated with us..... You are being charged with illegal possession of drugs and voluntary manslaughter because the first stab was already enough to stop him but you kept on stabbing him...... Anyways I came here to tell you I have given the right of his last rites to the police and I was able to convince them to let you be there...... This is the only and last favour I will do for you...... Goodbye Sudhadra Malik. " Arvind said to a crying Dadi and he stood up to leave but stopped midway and turned to her.

"I forgive Mr Sudhadra Malik. "

He then walked away leaving a crying Dadi behind.

Arvind came out of the prison and saw his wife standing by the car and smiled seeing her.

He finally has and he wasn't going to let her go ever.

He never wanted to meet Sudhadra but Garima convinced him and he was glad he did because he felt so free after saying her has forgiven her and he has closed that chapter of his life.

He wanted revenge but it looks like Karma was doing it for all of them and it was time to enjoy their lives without looking back.

City Hospital.

Anjali was crying hysterically and throwing things at the nurses and the family.

Even though she was in excruciating pain, she knew her face was disfigured even before she was told.

"This is all Khushi's fault..... She brought this misery on us and I will kill her..... I will kill her. " She yelled out looking like a maniac and not even her bleeding because of the pressure she exerted on her wound could stop.

It looks like her hatred for Khushi had numbed her from the pain and even the nurses and doctors were stunned seeing her like this.

Manohar who had had enough moved closer and slapped her not caring he just hit her wound but Anjali didn't flinch and he was scared out of his wot seeing her not reacting to his slap.

The doctor signalled the nurse and injected Anjali as she chanted how she wanted to kill Khushi until she lost consciousness.


Payal was standing behind the counter when she felt a hand on her shoulder and she jerked and turned to find Nk behind her.

"Sorry about that. " Nk apologized and she shook his head and lead him to one of the empty chairs in the cafeteria.

Nk held her hand and rubbed it.

"I know you are thinking about Misha and feel guilty that she left but it's for the best...... So please stop beating yourself up because of it and don't dare deny it. "

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