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3rd pov

Sam and Flora walk back into the room where everyone else is, making them all look towards the two as Flora sat next to Deena.

"Everything okay?" Deena asked giving flora a small smile, which Flora returned.

"yep everything fine" Flora nodded and leaned her head on Deena's shoulder.

"None of this is random" josh said after gathering all the paper up off the table "it's Sarah fier. She's turning shadysiders into killers"

"Do you really believe that?" Kate asked

"No he's just saying it because he feels like it" flora said sarcastically making Deena and Simon snicker

Kate shot Simon a glare which made him shut up.

"Okay but like no one believes this witch shit is real"

"Yeah it's something Babysitting make up to scare kids" Simon said still scared of Kate

"Okay that's like so fucked up" flora mumbled

"No, no just listen to me" josh said calmly "1666 Sarah fier was hanged for witch craft"

"Also fucked up"

"But ever since she was executed she's been possessing people"

"And now everyone is blaming Sarah fier for Ryan torres killing people at the mall. Which by the way I don't believe" flora said to which deena laughed a little but covered it up with a laugh

"Turning them into killers to take revenge on the town"

"Deena?" Flora whispered

"Yeah?" She whispered back

"Do you have any gummy bears?"

"Yeah, here" she said and pulled out a packet of gummy bears and gave them to flora.

"Thanks" flora said opening the packet and started to eat them. Slapping Simons hand away when he tried to get some "no, Simon. Not yours"

"Fuck you then" Simon said quietly then going back to the original conversation "it's like the nursery rhyme"

Josh nodded in agreement

"Befire the witches final breath she found a way to cheat her death" josh placed a picture down after every line Simon said "by cutting off her cursed hand, she kept her grip on the land"

"She reaches beyond the grave to make good men her wicked slaves" flora continued for Simon seeing as he was hesitating "yeah we all know it now can we move on please"

"Yes exactly." Jish said "don't you see what's happening to us? Hlthis is all proof. Shadyside isn't just some hotbed for psychos"

"It can be though. Mrs Fraser is a psycho and I don't think she's been possessed" flora mumbled to deena

"All these massacres are connected to Sarah fier. The witches curse is real" josh said still standing up.

"Why us he standing up?" Flora asked and deena shrugged

"Okay let's assume that the witch has been possessing people for some sort of messed up vendetta" Kate said quickly "this isn't like the mall massacre, something different is happening to us. Something way worse, Okay we have two of her killers after us and both of them are dead"

"Why are they so mad at us" deena finished for Kate

"I saw her" Sam said making everyone look at her "last night I don't... I don't know, you know? I thought I hit my head "she was going to continue but flora cut her off

"You disturbed her grave" flora said niw standing up and looking at the pictures "she didn't like that you found her body so now she's send her killers after you. She's only after you, Kate the skul- Ryan torres broke into your house for Simons T-shirt"

"Why though?"

"Because of this" she said and showed them Sam's blood on his shirt "she's after Sam. Deena he went after you have Sam's blood on your shoes. He went after me because I have blood on my jacket Simon ruby Lane went after you for the same reason as Ryan torres. Josh and Kate are the safe mother fuckers that won't get killed because they don't have her blood on them"

"You don't know that though" ķáťé śáíď

"I could be right though" í śáîď

"Flora you are so smart" deena said

"Really because my grades say otherwise flora said with a slight smile

"So it was her. I saw the witch" Sam said

"So dramatic" flora whispered

RUN AWAY BABY  ~~ deena Johnson Where stories live. Discover now