chapter 10

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I woke up to a scream "alice!" It was cindy. I looked up to see why she was yelling for her but I wish I hadn't. 

One of my only friends, the girl that had helped me here, Alice Hart, was being slashed up by Tommy slater. 

She fell to the floor as ziggy had now noticed that I was awake but had tears rolling down my cheeks. 

Ziggy was muttering comforting words into my ear while playing with my curly hair. 

We heard another yell, and saw cindy get a shovel and bringing it to Tommy's throat 

"Die! Why-wont-you-fucking-die" she yelled taking his head off.

Ziggy gripped my hand in fear, even tighter than before 

I sobbed harder when Cindy mumbled pleas for Alice to stay awake.

When she stopped breathing I buried my head in ziggys hair and she rubbed my back.

I didn't want to admit it but I love her. I've loved her since the day I met her, since I bumped into her in the cabin. And I hoped she loved me back, because this felt like it was the time we died. 

 Cindy stood up and Ziggy eventually let go. We heard singing coming from the backroom.

" What is that?" Ziggy voiced the question in my head 

 We saw a girl crawl out of a gap in the floor where a metal crate used to be.

 Cindy grabbed Ziggy's hand and instructed us to run. 

They started to get out the door and ziggy tried to grab me off the floor but it was too late.

 The girl from beneath the mess hall was on top of me. 

 I heard Ziggy scream as she was being dragged away by her sister.

" We finished this now!  We end the curse. I have her hand,  But we have to go now, come on Ziggy."

 I hit Cindy yells at ziggy as they ran.

 I had gotten distracted from the girl on top, Which gave her the opportunity to get the first cut in.

It was ruby lane, nurse lane's very dead daughter. 

 She had no life behind her eyes as she slashed out my arms and torso, getting a few deep cuts, before taking her razor and applying intense pressure to my shoulder, cutting deeper and deeper as I screamed until I kicked her away. 

I scrambled to my feet and ran wincing in pain. 

I limped around camp completely lost, Tommy was nowhere to be seen but neither were the two girls I needed to find. 

I went to both of their cabins, and looked around the others too. 

Finding gruesome discoveries in quite a few of them. 

I ran into someone along the way, but I was too scared to see who it was so I just kept running as he yelled after me. 

I finally got to the field, if I didn't have an axe cut on my legs I could have gotten here a few minutes earlier and maybe I could have done something to help. 

I found two bodies laying side by side and I prayed to god that none of them were ziggy. 

But of course God was not on my side and ziggy was on the floor, blood coating her. 

"Ziggy?... no… no please Don't be dead… please don't be dead." I cried "I can't lose you. Your not aloud to leave me" 

I found her wounds and applied pressure to it. 

She had been slashed and stabbed and was probably a bug I wasn't going to give up. 

I sat ignoring the pain I was in and kept the pressure on her wounds. 

I saw Nick running over and dropped next to me. 

"I ran into you a few minutes ago-" He started 

"Nick I don't care either help me with this or you can piss off. Your choice" I said with a glare 

He nodded and began doing CPR. 

I gave him some space and went over to cindy. 

I sat next to her and began whispering 

"I'm so sorry that I couldn't save you." I whispered and stroked her hair 

I heard a gasp from Ziggy and I looked over to see her opening her eyes. 

I rushed over to her and she looked at me. 

"Your okay" she whispered softly 

I laughed "Yeah are you?" 

"It hurts. It feels like burning but worse" she said and It made my heart break, hearing her in this much pain. 

"I am so sorry" I apologised 

"Why are you apologising? There is nothing you could have done" She asked 

"I know but maybe if I had gotten there sooner this might not have happened" I said and tears flowed down my face. 

"Yeah but look at you, you were hurt too, you had your own problems" she said and raised her hand weakly to wipe a tear of my cheek 

We heard sirens in the background and Nick went to go and guide them in. 

"Are we… going to be okay?" She asked 

"What do you mean?" She didn't answer "zig? Ziggy?" 

I noticed she was still breathing. I saw the paramedics walking towards us 

"Over here!" I called "she's hurt and you're going to need a stretcher." 

Two of them went to get a stretcher whilst the other came over to us and checked her over. 

The other two paramedics came over with the stretcher and put her on it. 

One helped me up and dragged me away from Cindy who now had a tarp over her. 

The paramedic dragged me to the ambulance where I collapsed from pain and exhaustion. 

I woke up to ziggy asking where Cindy was and her question was followed by a gasp, which I put my hand in hers. 

But we were getting wheeled away into separate ambulances so I held it until I could not reach her anymore. 

RUN AWAY BABY  ~~ deena Johnson Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt