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"Interview with flora Fraser, Sunday, October 2nd, 1994" sheriff goode said when he pressed the button on the recorder. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"We were picking up Sam's prescription." Flora said

"And the lights went out. It was pitch black." Josh said in a completely different room

"I couldnt really see anything" Sam said following through with the made up story that we decided to do.

"We ducked behind the counter" deena said

"We hid until it was over" flora said playing with her hands

"How'd you get that" sheriff goode asked her pointing at her hand

"I fell on some glass" flora said putting her hands under the table

Sheriff goode asked them all the question about their injuries and they all replied with the Sam thing as Flora.

"You had to get 15 stitches in your shoulder." He asked Sam and she replied with the same.

"Sam you look like a ghost. Like you've just come back from the dead." He said taking note of the colour of her face

"Shock, I guess" she replied

"I'll tell you what the facts tell me. The junkies" he said

"Simon and Kate" flora jumped to defence "they were not junkies. You don't get to talk about them like that"

"They weren't junkies" josh said

"They were my friends" Sam replied

"My best friends" deena defended as well.

"They're to blame for everything. That feels too easy for me" sheriff goode said "but that's the story this department will go with, unless you can help me to see it differently"

Flora didn't look at him until she started to speak again "another shadyside tragedy. An underprivileged overachiever with bright prospects"

"A guy who has been supporting his family alone since he was 15" deena said glaring at sheriff goode

"Both succumbing to the quick cash of drugs. Fits the narrative, right? Nice and neat." Flora continued

"You came here fir my help. I should have listened to you, I'm sorry"

"But your not sorry are you? Your just trying to get on everyone's good side so everyone will listen to you when you say that shadyside is the most dangerous place in this city." Flora said "don't lie, we all know your doing it for the money"

"Do you really want you friends coming down for this?" He asked deena

"No, but they're dead. So it doesn't matter" she cried.

Flora walked out of the interview room and onto the main area.

"Let's go"

Walking out of the station they saw ms fraiser walking up towards them. And of course she ignored flora and went straight to Sam. Grabbing her hand and spitting her name as she glared at Flora.

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Flora asked her.

"No" she sighed and walked closer to Flora. "See you tonight."

Sam pulled Flora in for a hug and and whispered 'bye sis' into her ear.

And left with Ms Fraiser pulling her out.

RUN AWAY BABY  ~~ deena Johnson Where stories live. Discover now