Chapter 13

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It's just after dark when we settle in for a history of the place. Sam seems really excited to share all the knowledge he's acquired. We all sit in front of where he's set the camera up in our fold out chairs. Sam and Colby sit in the middle and Katrina and I on both sides. Katrina reaches from Sam's elbow as he gets ready to tell the ghost stories. I'm not exactly scared, I've never willingly sort out anything paranormal but I was excited to finally experience it. It was just the beginning of the night and I didn't get any uneasy feelings yet. In the distance we could hear some crickets and frogs but that was just about it.

"Okay so I found this website that basically tells all about this place so we can just pass the phone around and each read a part." Sam says. "Firstly the correct name for this place isn't Witches Forest. It's actually Elfin Forest."

"Holy shit, that sounds like something out of fucking...Lord of the Rings or some shit." Colby says.

"It does, but there aren't any elves here so don't worry."

"Wait do you guys think elves are like good or bad?" I ask leaning forward to get a better look at everyone.

"That's a good question." Katrina says, "I'd like to think they're nice."

"I mean, we'd all like to think that any being that isn't human is nice. We don't wanna get eaten out here." Colby jokes.

"Okay who wants to read first? How about our new guest?" Sam passes his phone with all the information he had taken screenshots of previously.

I begin reading, "Okay, so this is about the white witch of elfin Forest."

"Isn't the white witch from Narnia?" Colby asks. We all agree before I continue. "A family of three was walking the woods many years ago, exploring and enjoying the day. It was a different period, probably a more dangerous time, so the villagers weren't surprised when the family didn't return for days. Finally, a lone individual tumbled down the hill. Even through the grime and ripped clothes and the sight of absolute dread in her eyes, the villagers recognized her as the family's lady, the wife and mother.

She said that her husband and son had been murdered. She claimed that a gang of men had sprang out of nowhere and attacked. She was able to flee the scene, but everyone she cared about was torn apart. The residents of the town welcomed her with open arms and cared for her till she recovered. The dread in her eyes faded over time. It was replaced by a savage, cold fury. The woman seemed to transform into a new person as she spent her days reading old books with unusual characters, and her nights meeting with even stranger people from local native tribes. She eventually stated that she was ready."

"Ready for what?" Colby asked. I pass the phone off to Colby so he could continue.

"Dressed in all white, she walked into the woods and was never seen again. Nobody at the time knew what she was ready for exactly, but they knew getting in her way would only lead to pain or worse. Hikers and campers in the Elfin Forest reported witnessing the ghostly form of a woman drifting around the countryside as the years passed. She went incredibly rapidly at times and agonizingly slow at others. Attempting to communicate with her was pointless since she would simply vanish, but everyone who came into contact with her quickly packed up and left. They claimed that the facility had simply become spooky. They didn't have a good feeling about themselves."

Colby gave Katrina the phone next. Before she could start Sam looked over at where we had gotten in the article and spoke up, "Right so this next part has to do with the gypsies in the area. From our last time here you guys might remember that we said there are bunch of Wiccans, and. psychic that live in the area, they give readings and stuff and are known to assist ghost hunters who come to the area. But gypsies once lived here. Okay you can go ahead now."

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