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I sat next to Mahidevran ad she gossiped to Gulsä, discussing the important matter that dealt with her concubines. I was bored, growing tired as I sat still and had nothing to do. I looked over to Hurrem who was batting her eyelash to the Main Sultan Suleiman, thus, trying to win his affection. I don't understand what was they saw in his bald highness. I crinkled my nose and looked down at my plate until someone called out my name, my head snapping up.

The attention of the table was directed to me, and I was confused why everyone was looking at me. "Pardon me?"

Mustafa smiled at me and knew I had not caught him the first time. "Pardoned. I was simply asking if you were enjoying the feast put together tonight?" He suggested. Fatma was sitting beside him, since she was one of his favorites.

I cleared my throat, sitting up straight. "Of course, your uh majesty, I was just thinking. "I earned a chuckle from Suleiman.

"About what?" Mehmet asked this time, his own interest showing. I hated the attention on me.

I glanced to Mahidevran who was watching me, her lips pressed in a thin line as though she waiting for me to make a mistake. Bite me. "Just simply thinking about how this is a wonderful mean the cook has prepared, and tonight is my last night here." I didn't want to ruin the mood, but I'll be damned if I let Fatma win.

Mustafa lost the smile on his face, a serious one replacing it. "Who said you were leaving, Nemiah?" He looked to his father before back to me.

"My Sultana, my Sultan." I spoke clearly and I felt Mahidevran grab my wrist beneath the table.

Mustafa looked at his mother with a stern look." Is this true?"

"Mustafa, she has caused nothing but trouble for the palace, and is a thief." She glared at me.

How dare she! "You are lying! She stole my gift that Mustafa gave me in the garden and you believed the rat!" I pointed to Fatma whose eyes widened.

"Enough!" Suleiman said annoyed, his smile gone. "I do not want any more of this bickering. Mustafa." He looked at his son. "Are the accusations true? You make the decisions as a Sultan."he leaned back.

Mustafa looked at me, before looking to everyone else. He looked back down to Fatma." Is it true, Fatma? Did you steal the fabric from Nemiah? You know very well it is given to those who are selected by us."

Was I happy she was getting the karma she deserved? Yes. Did I feel guilty as well?  Yes. I shouldn't be so childish over a piece of cloth.

Fatma lowered her eyes before she spoke in a calming tone. "Yes I did..but-"

"Then this matter is closed. "Mustafa silenced her, and looked over to Suleiman. "Nemiah is will remain with us, and continue to be a concubine for my name. She will no longer serve my mother. "

I felt relief when he decided I would stay. I would thank him for it. He got up and bowed to his father. "I am taking my leave to sleep early. Tomorow morning we must be ready to leave. "He came over to my side of the table and extended his hand."Finished?"

Hell yeah. I nodded and got up, yanking my wrist away from her. I followed him out of the room and we walked down the hall. "Thank you for believing me..your mother didn't and she wouldn't even give me second to explain my side of the story. I owe you." I murmured the last part.

Somehow he heard it. "Yes you do, indeed. "He stopped walking and turned to me, his eyes meeting mine and I could tell something was hiding behind those dark eyes of his. "I want you to come to my chamber. Tonight."


I looked at him confused. "I'm sorry, but why? Are you needing help with something..?"

His eyes gave off a dark sense as he grabbed both of my shoulders, before backing me to a wall. I immediately felt small, my heart thumping in my chest. "Uhm, My Sultan I'm confused, what is it-"

I was cut off by his lips on mine, my body frozen as I tried to comprehend what was happening. Then I understood why he wanted me in the chamber.

He desired me.

"Sultan please-"I breathed barely out, my knees quivering a little bit.

"Do you understand now, Nemiah? "He whispered to me, his hands going down my sides as his body pressed into mine against the wall. He took my hands and held them above my head, my breath gone from my body.

I didn't want this. My body may have, but I didn't want this! I kneed him in the groin before shoving him away, and trying to hurry off from him. I was too afraid to look back. Fatma can have him.

I'll take my chances being sent off.


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