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          "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind."



I hurried down the hall to escape to where the other concubines were, my heart racing in my chest. I wondered what would  possibly be my punishment, for hitting the Sultan. Did I regret it?..No. I told him I didn't like it and I'm not going to give up my life so easily to these heathens.

I heard feet behind me as hands grabbed my arms and stopped me, the guards glaring down at me. "Stop!" I tried to pull free but it was useless against them.

      "Stop being a fool, and move." One of them started to pull me toward another direction. I jerked and tried again , but each time I was wasting my energy. We went up a set of stairs until we came to a room, where the guard handed me to the other one and knocked on the door, before escorting us both in. My eyes rested on the Valide, who did not look pleased at all. Beside her, was  a fair woman, her brown eyes studying me with an curious look.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

The Valide raised a brow at them." What is it now?"

Oh God I hope this isn't about me kneeing Mustafa...what am I saying? Of course it's going to be about it!

The guards held onto each arm of mine, as one of them spoke up. "My Valide, this concubine is causing trouble among the others. We had one of the concubines alert us, that she was in the process of trying to assassinate the Sultan Mustafa-"

"I might be trouble, but at least I know my sanity! I wouldn't kill Mustafa for any reason!" I looked to Valide. "You must understand, ever since I got here, all that I have gotten is mistreated, assaulted, and degraded! Not once have I laid a hand on anyone!" Yet.

"Silence." She snapped and I became quiet." I will speak to Mustafa himself. Until further notice, you will sleep in the cell for the night." She tilted her head up.

I didn't argue as she dismissed us, and the guards led me down to the prison cells where they kept their prisoners. They led me to an empty one and one escorted me in before he closed the gate behind him.

I walked up to the bars as I watched them leave, my hope drowning in despair as I sat down on the ground, despite the mess. I leaned back against the wall, waiting.


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