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The run to Krels locker wasn't time consuming but still breathtaking, and not in the "oh that's so gorgeous way". He opened the locker with ease and pulled out the boombox "They've been inside." He turned it over to inspect it further.

"So you brought them to school" Aja screamed at her younger sibling.

"After you brought them to earth" He bit back at Aja

"There's no time to be fighting, just fix it" You enjoyed their bickering as much as the next guy but there was an infestation of skeltegs that could take over the whole school. They need to choose better times to start arguing.

That made Krel start working.

You waited for the whoop of excitement that Krel made whenever he was finished working. You had barely begun your nervous pacing before he announced the completion of his task. It seems like you didn't have to wait all that long. Either the sectons are getting shorter or Krel is getting faster but it doesn't matter as long as you get out of this mess.

The boombox started to emit a very unique kind of music that contained no words but spoke volumes over most of the music you have heard. The Skeltegs might have been drawn to it in the same weird way you were. Hundreds of skeltegs rushed out of the halls and towards the source of the sound.

As they did with Mary's ringtone they erupted when they were in close range with the boombox. Krel changed the music with the press of a button, playing music that appealed to his taste. "Another use for human music" He said way too avidly as he held the boombox above his head.

You giggled at his ability to make the best of the worst situations. That small giggle quickly ascended into a full fit of laughter as he began to dance along to the music. Not only was he creative with inventions but he was also creative with dancing. You might need to take some lessons.

The screeches and sounds of the dying skeltegs forgotten about as you doubled over, holding onto your stomach. You were laughing so hard it physically hurt. You weren't even aware of the Skelteg goo that stuck itself on you from skeltegs that went boom above you.

"Should we bring this thing back home or do you think Stuart has things under control" Your laughter ceased when you thought about it. You barely knew who Stuart was but from what you heard he wasnt that bright.

"We should go"

"Definitely go"

"Onward" The after-giggles took over and as you ran home you chuckled occasionally to yourself.

Poor stuart, nobody trusted him

After your well deserved well needed shower. You made sure to clean off all the skelteg goo and to lather and rinse one extra time to get the smell of Stuart that you inherited from the hug you shared with him when no one else was willing, off of you.

Once you were fully changed you took a seat on your bed as you waited patiently for your transduction to fade. You grew to like your human form, having flesh is a whole new experience for you. You thought your hair was absolutely gorgeous and fitting to your human personality.

The creative freedom that came with picking a new outfit was addicting. There were so many things that you hadn't known you like or had any interest in. While earth has many downsides at least there was something you liked about it.

Your door creaked open behind you, alerting you of someone's presence. You could already tell who it was from the soft footsteps.

"Hey, krel" His transduction also has yet to wear off. His brown hair was sticking up at all angles like he had been electrocuted. "You look amazing" you could barely get the lie through your teeth before you were laughing at yourself.

Extraterrestrial | Krel tarron x Reader/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now