Chapter 2

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Ohhhkay chapter 2 here we goooooo leave comments peeps! or vote! or fan! or just not do anything at all because thats how i am so i dont know why im telling you guys to do it so....anywho here we go! Basically Im being bullied by Ciarra and Felicia to put this out tonight soooo but 18 reads within like 20 minutes of putting this out like woo go me                                         


"GET UP GET UP GET UP!" I heard a person yell at me while I was trying to sleep.

"Mmmm mom its summer let me sleep." I mumbled turning over trying to go back to sleep.

"I am not your mother THAT IS NOT MY JOB! And we are in CALI-FRIKEN-FORNIA SO GET UP BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" They yelled again

"Go away."

"That's it." I heard before silence. I thought they went away but I was dead wrong. Suddenly I felt two hands on my ankles

"What are you do- AH!" I screamed as I was yanked from the bed onto the floor

"Get up." Ciarra said standing over me

"Did I ever mention how much I hate you at times you evil twisted minded best friend of mine?" I asked her sitting up

"Hmmm now that I think about it once or twice." She said smiling

"You'd think I'd tell you it more often." I said glaring at her

"Oh get up you big baby we have plans. Remember? We are going to do something fun today. And Felicia is out buying Mcdonalds anyways for us to eat so get up." She said before walking out of my room.

"Boo you whore." I muttered standing up


"GOOD!" I yelled back before walking over to my closet to pick out of my clothes for the days. Not knowing what we were going to do made it hard for me to choose what I was going to wear so I went with a white simple summer dress and a swim suit underneath. Heading to the built-in bathroom I plugged my phone into the ihome so I could play pandora. Going to a station Taylor made for me I turned up the volume. Turning on the shower I got in. After washing my hair and shaving I decided to leave the hot water known as heaven and start getting ready. While drying my hair and putting half up, an unfamiliar song came on. A beat started making me want to dance. Listening to the lyrics I found it getting catchier and catchier. Running to one of my journals I wrote down one of the lines

"When the credits start to roll and youre still by his side its right in front of my eyes but ill keep excepting theres a hollywood ending"

After I wrote that down and made a mental note to google the lyrics later to get it, I returned to getting ready.

"ARE YOU DONE YET?!" I heard Felicia yell. She is obviously back from getting food.

"ALMOST HOLD YOUR FRIKEN HORSES!" I yelled back finishing up my hair. I wasn't going to put make up on because it'd probably melt right off from being outside all day. Going back to my closet I searched for shoes and decided on a pair of black flip flops. Slipping them on, I grabbed my phone and bag making sure I had my wallet in it, and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

"SHELBY HUR- oh you're done. Here's your food." Ciarra said throwing my Sausage egg mcmuffin at me hitting me in the head.

"Ow." I said rubbing my head and picking it up off the floor, "Thanks for that."

"Oh no problem. It was nothing at all." She said before walking out of them room.

"What are we doing today?" I yelled walking towards the bar and taking a seat on a stool.

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