Chapter 6 Felicias POV

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So I got a editor wooooo felicias my editor


"So I was thinking we could see the guys today?" I asked as we all sat in the kitchen.

"Yeah that works, what do you think Shel?" Ciarra asked as we turned to see her only to see her in her phone.

"Shel??" I asked

"Huh? What?" She asked pulling her head up

"Everything okay?" Ciarra asked

"Yeah yeah. What did you guys say?"

"I said I was thinking we could all see the guys today and Ciarra said that works and asked what you think." I told her looking at her worried

"Oh uhm. Im not sure. Tyler is still mad about me...." She said nervously.

"True...." I said not thinking about that.

"What do you mean?" Ciarra asked confused.

"Oh Chris and Tyler got into a fight last night..." I told her as Shelby went back to her phone

"Wait, how do you know about that?" Shelby asked looking up

"Cameron called me after you left to get Chris, I assume."

"Yeah, Chris called me to come get him." Shelby said nodding her head along before going back to her phone.

"Okay....Well what do you guys want to do?" Ciarra asked

"You guys can still go to the guys. Ill just go explore." Shelby said

"Are you sure? We dont want you to go out there alone..." I told her looking at her

"Yeah! I was thinking about exploring the stores and everything by us anyways because we havent done that and weve been here for a week..."

"Okay if youre sure Shel. How about we meet up around 5 and then go swimming together?" Ciarra said

"Yeah. Good idea!" I told her nodding along

"That works. And then we can have another beach bonfire tonight too. Ill grab the stuff while Im out." Shelby said smiling

"Okay! Deal. When are you leaving Shel?" I asked 

"I was thinking about going to get ready obviously since Im still in my pajamas and then going." She said looking down at her short shorts and big tshirt.

"That works. Were going to go get food and then go." Ciarra said grabbing her stuff and Shelbys car keys.

"We are?" I asked confused

"Yes! Lets go." She said laughing and pulling me out of the hotel room.

"Well hurry back so I can use my truck!" Shelby shouted

"Will do!" Ciarra shouted before closing the door

"Why are we leaving so early?"

"So we can surprise them. Plus I feel like something is wrong with Shelby."

"You got that feeling too?" I asked her as we entered the elevator

"Yeah. I want to know whats wrong with her...maybe Chris knows?"

"Maybe...we could ask him when we get to their rooms. Which room should we check first?"

"Camerons. He seems like the mom of the group."

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