Chapter 11 Felicias POV

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Im so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so os so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry guys omfg im so late im sorry! Im really really really sorry! 

FYI theres cussing in here i usually try not to cuss in my writing cause I know some people dont like it but it was need so.


"What just happened?" I asked leaning against the door as Cameron backed up.

"I...we kissed." He said his eyes going wide.

"Obviously. But I just Cameron why?"

"Why? Maybe because you explained everything that  wanted to do and so I did it."

"Well where does this lead us?" I asked looking at him for the first time since we kissed.

He was silent for a while and I felt like my heart was going to burst outside of my chest. Finally he sighed before answering me.

"Well....I dont know." He said sighing again as my heart dropped.

"Oh..." Was all I managed to get out.

"I like you Felicia. I do. I really really do. But its summer and you have a year left of high school and Im in a band and will be traveling. I just dont think it could work. Not yet anyways." He said trying to catch my eyes.

"I get it. I really do. I just am going to go back to my hotel room. Ill see you later today or tomorrow alright?" I asked him turning around

"Yeah yeah sure." He said but I was already out the door on the level below his. If I would have stayed I would have noticed how he watched me walk away with regret in his eyes. And he wouldve saw that I had hurt in mine.


"Felicia come on get up." I heard Shelby say as she walked into my room the next day. As soon as I got back to our room, Shelby was just staring at the tv, which was playing a tv show, but I dont think she was really watching it. She was more staring into space and thinking about something. Ignoring her and leaving her be, I walked up to my room and crawled into bed and havent moved since.

 "Felicia come on I know youre in there." I head her say 

"Go away shelby." I told her 

"No you are getting up and we are gonna talk about what happened yesterday." What happened yesterday? What happened?!

"You wanna know what happened so bad Shelby?"

"Well yeah obviously." She said as I got up from the bed and walked to the door to open it. As soon as I opened it I started talking again.

"What happened was that I agreed to go on this stupid trip in the first place. What happened is that I became close with a guy in a band. What happened is that I made the mistake of falling for him within three weeks. What happened was he kissed me during a fight and wants nothing to do with me in that way because of distance. What happened was that I agreed to go on this stupid trip in the first place." I said looping my speech together with ending what I started with. 

"Felicia I-" She started to say

"Save it. Its me after all. No guy wants anything to do with me. I dont know why Im so surprised. I just wish a guy I liked would like me back for once." I said closing the door and locking it and heading back to bed. I just need to wallow, but I want nothing to do with anyone.

The Ideal Hollywood EndingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ