Chapter Four - Meeting the Shaytards

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Colette's POV;

We explained to Juniper the Youtube channel and when she can be featured on it. We also discussed a couple tard-names. A few were JuneTard, FlexiTard, DanceTard, and SnowTard. (A/N: What do you guys think for her tard-name? Also how long should they wait before putting her on the channel?)

"I love you guys." Junie giggled as we walked up to the front door, she was holding Emmi's hand. Emmi hugged her and smiled. We were all helping carry food, except Emmi and Juniper. We all walked inside but we had Emmi and Juniper wait outside, to make sure the kids understand how to behave properly.

"Guys, make sure your calm, don't rush up to her all at once, let her come to you." I explained gently and they all nodded. "This is really important okay?"

They nodded again and we had already set the table up. We finally let Juniper and Emmi come inside. Emmi and Juniper took off their shoes and coats. Emmi lead Juniper into the living room, immediately, I noticed Juniper chew her nails, she was scared. I went over to her and crouched next to her.

"Junie, are you scared sweetie?" I asked.

"A wittle." she looked at me, eyes wide and hugged me. I picked her up and comforted her, calming her down.

"Do you wanna meet everybody?" I asked and she nodded. I carried her over to where the kids were. "These are you new siblings, Gavin and Brock."

She got down and hugged them, first Gavin, then Brock. They were surprised.

"I'm Junipew and I'm thwee." she giggled.

"Now this is your aunt Kayli." she hugged Kayli. "This is your uncle Casey." She shyly waved towards Casey.

"What? I don't get a hug too?" he teased and she laughed. "What about a high-five?" she held up her and they hi-fived. "There we go! Finally some love for Casey."

Kayli playfully hit his arm and we all laughed. Shay was recording all of this, but it wouldn't be posted until later in time.

"These are your cousins Gage and Brailee." they both waved and she waved back.

"I'm Juniper, I'm thwee. I like to dance." she nodded.

"Wanna dance for us?" Kayli asked.

"Otay. I like to dance to a song called 'Call Me Maybe'." she smiled and I played it on my phone. 

She pranced around the room and let her siblings join. She was really good, even her cousin joined her. She could do a couple of Gymnastics tricks so Avia was happy. After a bit of dancing, we all sat down to eat. After dinner, Kayli and her family left. We showed June around the house a bit and she was very talkative.

"My birthday is June 4th, that's where my nickname June came fwom." she giggled as we entered the bathroom with her pajamas, she asked if she could have a bath and I agreed. I gave her a bath and changed her. We signed her up for school after all the kids went to sleep. She would take a test on August 23rd to see if she's ready for preschool or if she needs to be in nursery school with Brock. We also got her a haircut appointment for Saturday. (A/N: It's Wednesday BTW) Mainly because it looks like she's never had one. We decided to just let her relax in the house before anything big. On Sunday we'd go back to school shopping and see a movie possibly. We don't know Juniper's backstory so we are trying to be as nice as possible, since we are unsure of what she'd been through.

The next morning, I let the girls help me make breakfast. They all washed there hands and pulled chairs up to the counter. They stepped up on them and I let them each pick a different pancake flavor.

"Can I do party cake?!" Avia asked and I nodded.

"Chocolate chip!" Emmi squeaked, I nodded.

"Weguwar peas mommy." I smiled widely, Juniper called me mommy. Shay does vlog, but we don't post it. We said we won't be vlogging for a while until our new daughter is comfortable. Luckily, he got that on camera, he was smiling too.

"Alright ladies, let's start!" I smiled. I helped Emmi and Junie pour the pancake mix and milk. They each added two eggs. I handed Emmi chocolate chips and Avia sprinkles. They sprinkled some in and then I cooked them. The girls washed their hands and put the chairs back. Juniper, Avia, and Emmi played around in the living room.  

Avia's POV;

"What tricks can you do?" I asked and Juniper thought for a moment.

"This." she did a back-walkover into the splits and we clapped.

"That's amazing!" Emmi smiled. "What about this?" 

Emmi did a one-handed cartwheel and June copied. We clapped. After a while, breakfast was finished. We all sat at the table and Juniper had a special booster seat for her chair, it matched Brock's but hers was purple, Brock's was green. Mommy passed around the pancakes and we all munched until we were full.

"Yummy." Junie giggled. 

"Junie, how would you like going to dance classes?" mommy asked her.

She nodded. "I love dance!"

"What styles?" she asked.

"Ballet, Tap, and Acrobatics?" she asked.

"Of course sweetie."

"Tank you mommy!" she got up and hugged her. "So, what aw we doing today?"

She climbed back into her chair. "Hm, I don't know, SonTizzle, what should we do?" daddy asked him.

"We could go to the park." he replied.

"Good idea Gav, let's do it."

𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍! (UNDER RECONSTRUCTION!!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora