Chapter Seven - First Day of School

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Colette's POV;

"Hey everyone, welcome back to the channel. So we haven't posted in a few weeks but it's finally time to post again. So here's a small recap of what happened." (A/N: A few clips that they recorded of Juniper and the kids played on the screen.) "So yeah, it's been quite a journey with an adopted daughter, Brock has gotten a bit upset over it but all is well now. She will tell you about herself in another video, but for now, let's get started with our first day of school vlog!" I smiled and took the camera into Gavin's room. "Gavin, wake up." I woke up my ten year old son, he rolled over and waved to the camera. I then woke up the girls, we recorded so then Juniper would get used to being in front of a camera more often. "Good morning my loves." I whispered to the three girls. Brock didn't need to wake up until 10. I got the four downstairs and they ate there breakfast. "So, what's everyone excited for?"

"Meeting my friends." Avia smiled.

"Same for me." Emmi laughed.

"Same for me." Gavin said. "Also, getting to join clubs."

"Making fwiends." Juniper said, I forgot it's her first time at school, I keep forgetting she's adopted, which is a good thing.

"That sounds like fun kiddos. So this year, the kids finally were allowed to get trapper keepers for school papers, which they'd all been wanting for some reason. They all got packed up last night too. All this stuff with Juniper was so piled up, we finally have a while to relax huh guys?"

"Yes, wowking it hawd." Juniper laughed shyly.

Once they finished, they all got ready and the three oldest got onto the bus, I woke Brock up and took Juniper to her class, then got home and got Brock ready, then took him to the same school I just previously took Juniper too.

"If this is what it's going to be like daily, I'm going to get real tired, real quick." I laughed. "Also, if your wondering where Shay is, he had a meeting to go to so I had to get all the kids to school today."

I did the housework and then went to pick up Brock, he's only there for about an hour and a half, so it's similar to daycare. Once we got home, he helped me clean up the mess in the basement and we did a timelapse on it.

"So were headed to pick up Juniper now, it's 1 PM." I showed them the clock on the stove. "Also, at this preschool, because she's in preschool two, she goes five days a week for 4-5 hours a day, so it's kind of a lot. Also, Shay just texted he's going to pick up the other three from school today, Brock, grab your iPad and let's go!" I yelled to Brock who grabbed it quickly and we left. 

Once we pulled into the line I started recording again. "I see Junie, she's right there." I zoomed in on Juniper. 

Once we got to the front of the line, I heard someone yell, "Number six!" 

Juniper ran to the car and I got out. I helped her in then got in the driver's seat. "How was it Juniper?"

"I woved it!" she exclaimed. "It was da best evew!"

"I'm glad." I smiled and drove them home, we were going to get McFlurrys, but I didn't want to make the older kids mad. Once we got home, Juniper and Brock played around in the basement until I heard crying, I rushed downstairs, and pulled Brock off Juniper.

"Brock, what are you doing?" I picked up Juniper.

"Playing." he laughed.

"Go to time out, now." I said sternly. He walked to the corner angrily stomping with each step and I carried Juniper upstairs.

Once Shay got home, I told him what happened and he sighed. I already made dinner and we all sat down. We ate and talked about are days. Afterwards, we did our normal bathtime night routine and put the kids to bed.

"So guys, that's all for today, sorry Shay wasn't here, but I wanted to record anyways just because it was Juniper and Brock's first times ever at school so it was pretty big day. I hope you all have a good day or night, Shay just went to bed and I'm just turning off the lights, see you next time!" I covered the camera and turned it off, that was interesting.

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