Chapter Ten - After Surgery + Dance Class

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Colette's POV;

About two days later, Shay said he's bringing Juniper home. I was scared, hoping everything went okay. An hour later, Shay walked in carrying Juniper who had a slushy in her hand.

"Junie!" Brock ran up there.

"Brock, calm down, Juniper's hurt okay?" Shay explained and Brock nodded. Shay layed her in the reclining chair well the three youngest went up and crowded around her.

"Hi." she giggled.

"Hi Juniper! Are you hurt?" Emmi asked.

"Yes, wanna see?" she asked and they all nodded. She showed the stitches and laughed.

After an hour, I changed her pajamas and she just relaxed. We layed an ice pack on the spot, like the nurse said. We just had a bit of a chill day, Brock played with her and taught her how to use an iPad. 

After two weeks, I took her up to the doctor to get the stitches removed, luckily they were ready. The next day, she was allowed back at dance. She jumped up and down screaming when I was trying to get her ready. Once we arrived, she rushed in and hugged her friends, a bunch of other kids her age.

"Just in time!" the teacher smiled. "Welcome back Juniper, how are you feeling?"

"Good." she giggled.

"That's great, ready to dance?" Juniper nodded.

"She has to take it easy though," I explained. "Nothing to crazy."

"Of course." the teacher nodded and I sat with the other moms outside the room in the dancer's den.

"Welcome back Colette!" Carrie smiled.

"Thanks! How have things been?" I asked.

Juniper's POV;

"Ladies, the mini Ballet recital is February 10th, so we have to work hard. Only eleven days left!" she said and it made me nervous. All the other girls had weeks to rehearse and I only had eleven days! I hoped I could do just as good. "Gabby, please teach the routine to Ms. Butler."

Gabby took me to the other studio and she began to teach. She's the oldest and she's five. It's her last year in the toddler classes.

"Okay so first do the arabesque's onto stage." she ordered.

"I learned this part." I said.

"Oh, I see." she frowned. "Which part are you at?"

"This one." I showed her the two pirouette's.

"Oh. Well, then do this." she taught me the whole dance then left me to rehearse. I kept falling on the pirouette to arabesque spin. My leg barely went up on the tilt kick, I got dizzy on the spins across the stage, and I was stressed. I sat down and began to cry just as Ms. Julia came in.

"Juniper, what's wrong?" she asked. (A/N: Ms. Julia is the assistant choreographer by the way.)

"I can't do it!" I cried and she lifted me up.

"Show it to me." she said gently and set me on my feet.

"Otay." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I began to dance delicately, better than before. I guess Gabby was just making me nervous because she's so good. Yeah, I stumbled, tripped, and fell, but Ms. Julia helped me, and the whole class I got better and better at it. Finally, when we were doing it was a group, Ms. Rose (A/N: Ms. Rose is the HEAD COACH) asked me to do the duet with Mateo. I was so excited, but the problem was, every time Mateo grabbed where I got my surgery, I winced. I knew it was going to hurt and I had to accept that. This was my first duet!

I practiced at home with Avia or Emmi. They helped do the lifts, even though Mateo was five and had been doing duets since he was two, I couldn't just call him. Yeah maybe he was cute.. but not the point.

The next ballet class, I did flawless, according to Ms. Rose, in both of my routines. Mommy was super proud too! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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