Chapter Six - Testing Day + Secretive Shots

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Shay's POV;

Colette's been doing a lot with Juniper so I was going to take her today. She also had to get shots, but we aren't going to tell her that part. I woke her up nicely and got her ready, my first time getting my three year old ready. I put her in a white tank top romper it had a rose design on it. (A/N: At the top, also the bottom is kind of like a one piece swim suit if that makes sense.) I also did her hair in a half up with a pink ponytail holder. I took her downstairs and she ate her breakfast. She ate French toast and a fruit mix Colette made earlier. She brushed her teeth and we left. 

Once we arrived, she seemed nervous. She barely talked, and she's usually super talkative. I picked her up and shut the car door. I walked towards the school building and took her to the front desk.

"I'm here for Juniper's test." I smiled.

"Last name?" the woman smiled.

"Um, Butler." I replied.

"Alright, just sit right there and wait for the proctor to come in!" she smiled and called someone on the phone, once they answered she said, "Ms. Juniper is here and prepped for her testing."

Another woman came in and led us to an empty classroom.

"Can you sit across from me Juniper?" she asked and I set Juniper down. She walked over and sat in the chair. "Shay, you can sit over there." she pointed to another chair and I sat down. "I'm going to show you a series of pictures and I want you to point to what I ask you too, okay?"

"Otay." Juniper said.

She showed a picture of a rainbow, "Point to the red please." Juniper did so. The woman nodded and flipped the page over, it showed a bunch of shapes. "Which one is a triangle?" Juniper pointed to the diamond. The woman nodded slowly and showed her another picture, "Which of these animals barks?"

Juniper pointed to the dog and the woman smiled. She showed her a picture with two cups, "How many cups are there?"

"Two." she said, no smile on her face and the woman nodded.

She showed her a picture with three houses, "How many houses are there?"

Juniper pointed to each house, "Three."

"Great work Juniper! You only got one wrong. I'll see you in Pre-K two tomorrow." she smiled widely.

Juniper smiled and said, "Tank you!"

I didn't expect Juniper to get anything higher than Pre-K one, but she got Pre-K two! I got the slip and signed it. I then carried Juniper outside and we left. Once we arrived at the doctor's office, we got her a quick check-up and three shots. She cried a bit but was mostly strong. I took her home and she ran to Avia. Avia picked her up.

"What did you get?" Avia asked.

"Shots." she buried her face into Avia's neck.

"On your test?" she asked.

"Pre-K two." she giggled as Avia tickled her and Colette looked at me.

"She got what?" she was stunned.

"Pre-school level two. She only got one wrong on her test." I smiled and kissed Colette's cheek.

"Stop tickling Juniper, she's going to run out of air!" Colette laughed and took Junie. She cuddled her for a moment before setting her down. The first thing she did once her feet hit the floor was asking to be picked up. She put her hands up to Colette and put the in fists then back to high five kinda thing. She did that until Colette picked her up.

"Why don't you go play with Brock?" she asked as Juniper looked around.

"No tanks. I wanna be held." she giggled. "Leg huwt."

Colette got an ice pack and put it on her leg, where she got the shots.

"So, what'd the doctor say?" Colette asked me.

"Well, Juniper said she had pain in her lower belly on the right side and the doctor said to just have her take it easy, it could be from adjusting to a new place. The doctor did like touch that spot and when he squeezed in gently, Juniper yelped." I sighed.

"Hm, I've never seen that in a three year old, she never mentioned pain there." Colette said.

"She said she didn't wanna bother us with her pain, she thought it would go away, but she'd felt it for a few months before we came and got her. I just wish we had more information about Junie." I tickled Juniper's neck gently and she got down. She went and played with Brock in the basement.

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