Chapter 3

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I loved Nick's kiss, it had been a kiss I needed, but the moment he separated from me, I suddenly felt guilty.I was relating to my best friend in a romantic way.

"What ... why we can't?"

"I don't want to ruin what we have, Nick." My voice broke and then I let go of his hand. "We are best friends, we can't be anything more than that, I don't want to screw this up."

"We were having sex for months."

"Not in a romantic way, not for me." My voice was shaky, my whole body ached from the blow of when I fainted, I felt a feeling of sleep, I didn't know if they had put me on drugs, and that scared me, I was definitely confused.

Nick walked away from me and thought for a few seconds.

"Well I'm sorry it was just the situation that made me do that." Said the one with a cold tone that hurt me, but I think I deserved it.

An uncomfortable moment was created, really uncomfortable but my physical pains were winning, I could barely move and I felt as if I was about to die, Yes, it sounded exaggerated, but I had never felt such strong physical pain.
A few seconds later of the uncomfortable situation, my doctor entered with my mother.

"How do you feel?"

"As if I'm going to die today." My doctor laughed and shook his head, then he asked me some questions, the ones that all doctors usually ask.

"I'd rather you spend the whole night here, I want to make sure everything is fine." I sighed and nodded. All night here?

"Honey, do you think it is okay to continue with the tour?" My mother asked the moment the doctor left, while Nick had kept quiet on the couch.

"Yes, I don't want to fail my fans. " My mother tried to argue, but she knew she was going to lose out, I wasn't going to cancel the tour, not in the last few weeks.

"Okay, I know you won't change your mind so I'll spend the rest of the tour with you, your father and I will go with you." My mom without letting me express myself, added. "I'll go to the cafeteria, Nick, your dad and I need dinner."

My mother left the room, and then Nick was looking at his phone but he got up and went to a side table, turned on the television and there appeared a photo of me on a red carpet, next to a title.

"Everyone is talking on Twitter and Instagram about it." Nick said giving me his phone to show me the article that talked about me, it said exactly the same thing they said on television. "And Joe just told me he saw it on almost every TV show."

"Demi Lovato, 24, was hospitalized a few minutes ago after she vanished at the end of a show. According to people close to the hospital, Lovato had not consumed food or water for a while, leaving her completely dehydrated and with low defenses. Her fans assume this is related to her eating disorders"

"How ... How did everyone find out so quickly about this?" I said without taking my eyes off the phone.

"I don't know, but I'll call Phil to solve it, calm down."

"No. I know maybe his idea is to cover this up, I'd rather give the news myself, if I have to tell everyone what happened, I'm going to do it, Nick."


My parents came back and brought food for them and for Nick, while I settle for hospital food, it wasn't as disgusting as other hospital food I've had, but I definitely preferred my chef.
My parents, around 12 o'clock in the morning, decided to leave, my father was actually staying, but Nick insisted that he would, and it wasn't uncomfortable, but during the night I couldn't stop thinking, am I doing things right with him?

"Good morning D." I opened my eyes and there was Phil with Kelsey and Lauren.

"Hi." I looked around but Nick wasn't there. "Where's Nick?"

"When we arrived we convinced him to go to the hotel for a few hours." I nodded. "The doctor said they'll do a few more checks and we can go. We have decided to change the date of today's concert to tomorrow, we prefer that today there are no plane trips." Tomorrow would be our day off, mostly it was the day we we traveled around the city as a tourist, but it seemed fine to me .

"Am I still in the news?"

"You are still in the news and you were a trend for several hours on twitter, some fans are creating rumors of rehab or that the tour will end early, I think we must act fast."

"I don't want to lie, but I don't want to tell everything, I don't want to worry anyone."

"Okay, what do you think is a good idea?"

"Maybe a statement on twitter." Kelsey added.

We finally followed Kelsey's idea, and I gave a short message to reassure my fans, I didn't want them to believe that I was going to rehab something like that, clearly that was not going to happen.

"Yesterday I had to be hospitalized after our show in Florida, but I was treated by incredible doctors and now I am much better, Thanks to everyone who cared, love you."

Finally the media took their eyes off me, and I felt more relaxed, although at the exit of the hospital there were some photographers who started with their stupid questions.
Upon arriving at the hotel, I felt horribly stunned by my mother, as if I were a child, my mom and my dad practically forced me to sit in the hotel bar, and eat lunch in front of them.
My nutritionist made menus for me that will be given to the hotel chef to make them for me, according to them, they said that I needed all kinds of vitamins to strengthen my defenses again, so I must eat cereals, meats, fruits and vegetables.

I sat in that chair while I watched dad and my mother make sure the dishes the chef made had everything I needed, but suddenly I felt a guilty feeling on my chest, they were all worried and trying hard because of me and my fucking eating disorders.

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