Chapter 10

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Priyanka surprised everyone when she appeared here, and I can't say I was happy about it, Demi was acting weird and I was starting to worry, but with Priyanka here, I don't know if it was going to be that easy.

After the concert, we went to have dinner to a restaurant near to the arena, but Demi said she wasn't feeling very well, and stayed in her room.

"Phil said they're waiting for us, honey." Priyanka said.

"I'll look for something, don't wait for me."

"You lose something?" She asked while she put her earrings.

"Yeah, but don't worry."

"Okay." Priyanka went downstairs with everyone else while I went to Demi's room. I knocked on the door once and a few seconds later it opened, Demi was dressed like if she was going to go out, she made a a gesture of annoyance when seeing me.

"What?" She asked following with a sigh, and a look of annoyance on her face.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"No, we can't. I'm busy." She said with the intention of closing the door, but I went ahead.

"Demi, I know you're not okay, I know you." She looked at me with a look I hadn't seen since she was 17, cheeky, as if there had never been a friendship between us and I was just being a nuisance.

"You don't know as you think you do." She said taking her eyes off me and starting to pick up her makeup from her bed.

"You used to trust on me."

"I don't trust on you, I don't count on you, and you're not my friend anymore. Or rather, you never have been my friend." She said those words in the most frivolous way, with a lot of anger and resentment, she didn't look like the Demi I knew. "So, I'll ask you to forget about me, about our “friendship” if it ever existed, keep you life, Nick. You're the same shit that all the people here."

"You're not being... That's not true, that's not what you think." She shook her head and I saw a tear fall down her cheek, she quickly wiped it away and sighsighed. "We all want the best for you, Demi." She let out a sarcastic laugh and denied with her face.

"Your don't know anything."

"What do I need to know?" She didn't answered me, she was silent for a few seconds, I knew she was thinking many things, things that distressed her because the tears didn't stop coming out of her eyes.

"Just go." I stared her for some seconds and then I I left her room with a feeling of something bad in my chest, I knew there was something more than what I knew, but Phil didn't want to talk to me about it, neither did Demi. At the same time, I was shocked of what Demi said, I had too many doubts about whether she really meant what she said, or if she just said it to get me to go.

"Good morning, baby." Priyanka kissed me on the lips when I opened my eyes. "I ordered breakfast some minutes ago."

"Great, baby." I kissed her again while she laughed.

"I'm going to change my clothes." She got up from the bed naked towards the bathroom, before closing the door she gave me a smile.

We had breakfast, I took a shower and later I decided to go talk to Phil, when he saw me enter the room, he knew perfectly well what I was going to talk to him about, so he rolled his eyes.

"I came to talk about Demi." He sighed. "She's not okay, and we should do something."

"She's fine, she's just being immature as always, trying to make the things difficult and I'm not going to throw overboard all the work that I have done and that even you have done for her whims. The tour is almost over and we should do it the best way we can." Phil seemed very sure of what he was saying, but I wasn't so sure it was like how he said.

"I don't think Demi is trying to make it all harder, Phil. I think that she probably relapsed, or is about to."

"She's not. You know that I know how to control Demi, I am aware that she doesn't relapse." He gave me a confident look. "Don't worry about her, just focus on you, and that your work goes well. Now I'm sorry to tell you that I have to go deal with Demi, so she wants to get out of bed and go do her workout."

"Don't force her, Phil."

"I'm doing the best for her to be okay. That's all."

Phil left the room without letting me finish talking, I wasn't sure about everything he said, I mean, I know he wants the best for her, but I think he wasn't realizing that Demi wasn't good, she wasn't healthy.

Pri and I walked almost all day around the city, it was incredible to spend time with her, she have a great energy and is very funny, when I spend more time, I think I fall more in love with her.

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