Chapter 8

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"Your friend, Demi. Is everything ok with her?" Priyanka asked in a whisper as we both looked at Demi who was talking to some of our team from the other side of the table.

"Yeah, why?"

"It seems that she tries to avoid you."

"We had a fight some time ago, something silly."

"She looks... Complicated." I sighed looking at Demi, she had several changes in the last few days, her hair was different now, and her face was pale, and she looked so skinny that it was impossible not to notice, too many questions came to my mind in a second, questions that I didn't know if I wanted to know the real answer.

"She is."

"She probably is so manipulative... The way she talked today with Phil, God, she was mad."

"She is complicated, not a bad person or something, they are two different things." I said with an angry tone, unconsciously. "She had her reasons."

Priyanka and I went to our room after the lunch, she started showing me how the new clothes we recently bought fit her, making me forget about Demi.
Pri was sexy, nobody can deny it, she is beautiful at every part you look at her, she doesn't care about how the comments and she doesn't care so much about diets or the gym, that's great and I love her.

"I have to take a shower today, it's my last night with you here, on the tour." Though I love her, I've been counting down the days for her to go, I need my space. "But I think it would be great if you join with me."

"Of course. Without thinking it twice." We both got into the shower and started kissing, her hands went down my back to my hip, my hands ran up her body to her ass, she giggled and kissed me, some minutes later, we were making love, and all I could heard, were our moans, our lips together as we enjoyed each other.

We got out of the shower and we both changed, and we decided to go for a walk in the park, there were a lot of paparazzi at first, they took pictures of us holding hands, but I really didn't care.

"Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra confirm their relationship after the rumors, with a walk through the streets of South Carolina holding hands."

I saw the headlines in my Twitter, I couldn't help but laugh, my brothers and parents were probably asking what was going on.
I kept scrolling down the news and then there was a news story with a photo of Demi, Joe and me in the Vanity Fair 2017.

"Demi Lovato worries her fans with her remarkable relapse in her illness."
It was probably a lie, but I couldn't help but be curious about the lies TMZ was telling now, so I enter to the link.
"Demi Lovato is in the last stages of her tour, and her fans are concerned after her notable weight loss and according to sources close to her, her change is not only physical, the singer is going through a relapse with eating problems, and, apparently also with drugs."

I felt angry when reading that article, if that was true, I had to talk seriously with Phil, What the hell was going on for something so private to be leaked to the press? Who was the one who was listening to the conversations to later make it public? I knew that today I would talk to Phil, but I also needed to talk to Demi to find out what is happening, and that is why I am relieved that Pri has to go today.

Pri left for the airport two hours before the show and then I thought it was time to talk to Phil, so I went to his room.

"Can we talk?" I asked after he gave me permission to enter.

" I can't now Nick, I have to fix what Demi has done."

"What has she done?"

"Not performing well enough on stage, acting like she's about to die and not even hiding it, and all the trouble with the press that has brought."

"I would be more worried than angry about that, don't you think it's worrying that Demi is like this?" I asked while I sat in a chair in front of him, he shook his head and sighed.

"Anyway, what do you need?"

"Actually, I was here to talk about Demi, I saw the rumors out there and I think we have to do something."

"Yes, end the rumours."

"Are they really rumors or is it real? Demi relapsed?" I asked Phil, he was angrier than he was a few minutes ago, he didn't even seem to care about Demi.

"Yeah... Well, I think she's a bit depressed and she's just trying to get some attention."

"I can't believe you're saying this."

"I know she's out of..."

"No, I can't believe that you think she's is trying to get attention, God, Phil we have been here before, can't you realize? "

"Nick, I don't need someone else to tell what to do, I perfectly know how to."

"No, you don't. You're doing nothing, I will not sit here and waiting for her to be about to die again." I screamed, and I left the room, there was Demi.

"We should talk."

"Now you're worried, huh?" From her tone I knew she was mad, and she was absolutely right, I had been ignoring her all week to forget about her and focus on Priyanka.

"Demi..." She turned around and slammed the door after entering the room. I closed my eyes and put my hands on my head.

I don't know what the hell I had done, but Demi was mad at me and it wasn't the best time to get along with Demi, she needed help, and I wasn't about to get it from Phil.
I went to my room and I sat on the bed, thinking what could I do, if I could talk to Demi and fix whatever happened, or talk to someone else and be able to take care of her, not like Phil who is just worried of how she performs on stage.

I tried to start thinking about something else, I wouldn't achieve anything just by thinking, so I started to choose my clothes to go to the stadium, and I got a call from Pri.

"Hello handsome."

"Hey, beautiful. How are you?"

"Fine, I'm waiting for the flight to start, but I was calling to tell you that I received good news."

"Oh, really? Tell me."

"The movie I'm shooting... Let's say the shooting got delayed and then I won't shoot until next month, so I just called Phil and let him know that in a few days I'm going to go on tour with you and travel with you, what do you think?" All I could think about is that with Priyanka here, I wouldn't be able to take care of what really matters to me, Demi. I mean, her healthy.

"Wow... Is a good idea, baby."

"Yeah, I'm so excited. Then the tour will be finished and we will do all we want."

"Yeah, of course." I finished the call with Pri as soon as possible, I had a mix of emotions, I was happy to be able to spend more time with her, we really had a good time together, but at the same time, in my head was Demi, I also wanted to spend time with her, talk about whatever is going on and get back to our normal friendship, I didn't love her as nothing more than my friend and I know she doesn't love me either.

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