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He shuddered as the door to his bedroom slammed closed - you were mad at him. He hadn't meant to hurt your feelings, but he couldn't control his emotions. This must be his karma for never talking to you; never expressing his issues in a safe and healthy way. God, he was an idiot. The biggest idiot on the planet! He was furious with himself - how could he let you just leave like that - no. He couldn't worry about you right now, he had to sort himself out before he learned to look after you properly. Camilo really did love you - he loved you more than anything else in the world, but he hurt you thanks to his own foolish actions. He couldn't let that happen ever again.

He dried his eyes to the best of his ability before sprinting off, out the door to find you. Camilo began to bolt around the top floor of Casita, knocking of every bedroom door in attempts to find you - nobody knew anything. It was like you'd completely vanished off the face of the Encanto, how far had you left? After all that you said, that you'd stay with him forever, that there was no problem big enough to drive you away. You lied. You lied to his face. Camilo was desperate now, practically going around town begging people to help him find you. 

He needed you by his side. Then, it clicked - maybe this was who he was. Your husband, your loving husband that so desperately wanted you home! That was it - you didn't love him for Camilo, no one did - but you would love him if he was your husband. The man that would never leave your side and would be there for you always! If you didn't love 'Camilo', surely, you would love your husband... right? 


Avoid. That was your one and only objective - stay away from Camilo until he sorted himself out. Something was clearly wrong with him and you knew you weren't the person to fix his mental issues - in fact, you believed no one in that Madrigal family was okay. The passed down generational trauma was a sticky mess you didn't want to be a part of - you only cared that the situation would eventually be resolved. You had wanted to help everyone in the family with all their issues and, at one point, you had basically become the Madrigal's free therapist.  You came to know every small detail about everyone's personal struggles and, eventually, it became too much to bear. 

You didn't want to push all your issues back on a family that you knew were struggling and desperately needed professional help, as it would only worsen everyone's life - so you kept silent. You began to blame everything on yourself - including the downfall of Casita only a few years ago! It was foolish - you could even call yourself an 'idiot' for it. You often did, that word - idiot - repeating over and over and over again in your mind. An endless loop of self-loathing and pain and- 

You stopped; breathing in and quietly forcing that air back out of your lungs. Now realizing, you were in the middle of town; basically having a full-blown anxiety attack with people strolling by and not noticing a thing. You calmed yourself down and, without a second breath, arms enveloped you - embracing you tight - you were pretty sure you almost broke a rib. You jolted forward in shock, wondering who this person could've been. You had suspicions, but you prayed you were wrong. It wasn't until a shuddered pant floated past you ear that your worst fears had been realized. 

"¡Mi amor! You're here! I found you - you're okay!" It was Camilo - sobbing violently with relief. You tried so hard to not turn and look at him but it was no use. Camilo whirled you around and gently planted a kiss to your lips - the first kiss in a few days. A million different emotions flooded your mind, you became extremely conflicted but... you were weak at the knees from him. You hated him at that moment, but you were so happy that he seemed to have resolved his problems. You were slightly concerned at how quickly he sorted out everything, but you didn't care at that moment. Your husband, Camilo, was back to normal - you thought...

~Bonita~ \ Camilo Madrigal x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now