truth or dare

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Ranboo's POV:

Holy crap! I actually just got his number. I did not expect him to actually give it to me. I walked back into the store not quite realizing what just happened. I walked back to the table only to feel three gazes focused on me. I say down and was immediately bombarded with questions. "Did it go well? Did he give you his number? did he get mad at you? DETAILS!!! " is all I could take away from all the talking.

"Calm down." I responded in the calmest voice I could muster. "He gave me his number and I have added him to my contacts that is all! " At this point they were practically squealing like fangirls. (The person who gave me this idea you know who you are.) Once they had calmed down I got even more questions. But they mainly conjured odd one thing. "Did you text him? "

That's when the panic settled in? Wheat should I say? What if he thinks I'm weird for texting so quickly? What if he forgets who I am and just blocks me? What if he only gave me his number to be nice and didn't even want to talk to me? What if when we talk he doesn't like me?  For every question I asked the thoughts just got worse and worse.

My friends noticed my incredibly obvious panic and began to comfort me. After calming down we decided it was time to leave. On the ride home tommy started texting tubbo. Everytime they texted he showed me the text just to show what kinda person he was. He seemed really sweet. I really would like to formally meet him.

Did I actually just say formally. Lul.

After getting dropped off by Tommy I went inside and sat on my couch. I was wondering what to do with my self when I realized I hadn't texted tubbo yet. If I don't text him soon he will probably think I am rude. That means I should probably text him now. What should I say?

I wasn't sure of what to say so I said the first thing that came to mind.

Me:hey tubbo this is ranboo sorry for texting so late I was busy.

I took him a minute to respond, so I thought he was mad at me. But not long later he texted back. (Full conversation in last chapter. ) After he told me he was coming I hurried out the door. I called a Uber and hurried to tommies. When I got there tubbo wasn't there yet. So we all waited on the couch for him to get here.

After about ten minutes of waiting we heard a knock at the door. "Go get ur boyfriend. " Tommy said non Chalantly. "He is not my boyfriend. " I mumbled going to open the door. There he stood. He was smiling fondly like he had seen this place before. I couldn't help but stare for a moment before letting him in.

He walked immediately greeting everyone. He sat down there was only one spot left and that (lucky for me) was right next to him. I noticed Tommy giving me a sly smirk from the reclining chair. After awhile we decided we needed something to do. And after some discussing we decided on truth or dare. Tubbo seemed pretty reluctant to though. But Tommy convinced him to stay.

Apparently he had some bad experiences with the game. Poor guy I wonder what it was. We all sat around in a circle and started thinking of truths and dares. After we all got our ideas we began to play. It was Tommy's turn first and I couldn't help but give him a look that said 'don't. you. dare. ' all he did was give me a huge grin before pointing to tubbo. "Truth or dare.? '

he said through a toothy grin. " truth. " tubbo responded not wanting to risk it. "What's your sexuality? " Tommy said with a knowing look. I was glaring daggers at him but he ignored me. "You already know I'm gay. " tubbo dead panned. I was about to strangle Tommy. "Wasn't sure if I remembered correctly. " Tommy said flatly. Tubbo looked confused but ignored it.

This is going to be a long afternoon

An~ finished I am working on part two right now I will try to have it posted by midnight.

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