micheal and all his adorable-ness

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Tubbo's pov:

I walked down stairs to see Michael still asleep. Awwwwww (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ he is so adorable. Lucky me ranboo helped me buy all his baby stuff or this would have been a nightmare. I sat down next to his small cradle. I had moved him and all his stuff to the small guest bedroom in the apartment whenever I woke up last nightafter dropping ranboo off.

After a little while he began to stir awake. He began to cry so I quickly picked him up and took him to get some food. I wasn't sure if he was ready to eat baby food or still drinking milk, so I got some of that milk serum and some gerbers baby food. I tried the baby food and he seemed to do just fine with it, so I didn't buy it for nothing... Luckily.

I quickly fed him and brought him to the living room. I sat him down on the carpet and gave him a few baby toys. We sat there for awhile just him playing and me picking up behind him and making sure he doesn't fall. After a few hours ranboo came down and sat with us. "So what are you guys doing? " he said looking up at me curiously.

"Micheal is making messes and I'm cleaning them. Basic baby stuff. " I said shrugging my shoulders as I picked up some of those colourful ring thingies that you put on the pole (an~I'll put a drawing at the end) This sounds really weird if you don't know what I'm talking about. Haha rings on a pole. I should be a comedian.

After awhile Micheal gets bored of the baby toys so we hand him the coloring books we got. Why did we get colouring books for a kid that probably isn't even a year old. I don't know. (An~For reference I'm making the day they found him the same day they adopted him on the smp so they found him on Dec 1st, I'm making him 10 months old bc..... Yes.)

Just like you would expect he had no clue what to do, and after awhile we gave up on trying to show him. Soon he got sleepy so we put him to bed, After giving him some serum milk. "We should put those colouring books to good use. " ranboo says smirking at me. I nod smirking back and pulling out crayons. We spent the rest of the day colouring pictures of spongebob.

After awhile it was time for ranboo to head home. "Hey is it cool if j watch Michael while u work? " he said hopefully. I thought about it for a second. "Sure. As long as you promise to visit during lunch break. " I said smiling. "Thanks I will! " he said brightening up I couldn't help but smile wider. he quickly left, but it didn't take him long to text me again.

I made dinner giving Michael some all bits off the food. After awhile we finished eating so we sat on the couch I turned on a cartoon (an~ the cartoon was the owl house because yes.) And soon Michael had drifted off to sleep. I took him up to his room and slowly lowered him into his cradle. After making sure he was asleep I headed up stairs to sleep myself.

I began to text ranboo while I lied down until it was about 11:00 p.m.at that point I had decided to go to sleep. I to old him goodnight and plugged my phone in. I layed down and after awhile I drifted off to sleep thinking of one thing and oddly... It was ranboo. I wonder how he feels right now. He is probably just as tired as I am. Welp.

You know every time we hangout it's always better than expected I should start expecting the best.

An~ it is finally finished... And my left hand suddenly disappeared yesterday at midnight... Welp I hope you enjoyed (669 words lul) the story. I will post the next chapter as soon as possible. I hope hope you have a great rest of your day/night  and hope you enjoyed the chapter... Bye!

-the author.

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