ah.... yes

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Ranboo's pov:

I woke up not quite sure of where I was. After a minute of looking around I realised that I was in tubbo's room.... Wait how did I get to tubbo's room, we fell asleep on the couch? I just realized I felt I tiny Weight around my waist. I guess I had gotten so used to it I hadn't even noticed. I turned over a bit to see tubbo clinging tightly to me. I tried to get out but I could not escape. I was beginning to think he was awake. I shook him a bit. "Tubbo get uppppp. " I wined.

And believe it or not tubbo's wining was even worse than mine. "I don't wanna it's too early. " he wined dragging out almost every word. "Tubbo I have to stream. " I said flatly. "You stream? " he said curiously. "Yes. how else do you think I get money? " I said more confused than him. "I thought you worked at a convenience store or something. " he mumbled unsure of why I was so confused. I fully turned around to look at him. "I was literally wearing my merch the day we met. " I said looking him in the eye with the flatest face I could physically make.

I saw him blush a bit and bury his face in my shirt. "Well I'm still not letting go. " I sighed. I guess i will just have to stream like this... Tommy is gonna give me so much crap about this. I suddenly remembered something. "Hey how did we get to the bed anyways? " I said looking at him curiously. I looked up at me. "Oh I just carried us up here." He said reburying his face. I looked at him confused. "You carried me some one twice your size, up the stairs.? "

"Yeah what about it? " he said looking up at me. No wonder I couldn't peel him off of me when he was asleep. I'm going to pretend this is regular. "Huh? That's really cool. Well I have to stream so I guess I will just stream with you attached to me. " I said as nonchalantly as I could muster. I cleaned myself up a bit and put on my mask and glasses. He stayed attatched to me the whole time. I sat back down on the bed after taking care of michael. after a second I started to stream. And it didn't take long for the chat to figure out some of what's up.

"Ah yes chat as you can see I am in a new location and have a tiny gremlin attatched to my waist. " I said enthusiastically doing my best to make distraction jokes so the chat doesn't make sus quotes.

-ello ran boob
-bruh why is someone attatched to ur waist ran boob 😏😏😏😏
-what did you do ranboo ;)

I tried to ignore the chatters but I guess they deserve an explanation. "Well me and a friend were hanging out and I ended up staying over while we watched the office. " I said trying to explain the situation as best I could.

I tapped tubbo asking for some help. "Ah yes we stayed up slept in the same bed and now he wants me to let go of him because he has to stream."
He said flatly. I gave him the most 'wtf' face I could give with a mask and glasses on. He laughed at me. "You wanted a recap. " he said still Chuckling. "I wanted an explanation for the situation. And I am ninety percent certain that you just made it worse. "

"Yeah but it was funny ngl. " he said smiling wildely at me.

How did I get here.

An~i updated it know how rare and crazy that ideah is. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I do plan on ending this story soon so I'm trying to stretch as long as I can because I actually really enjoy writing this. So I hope you enjoy because I know I don't wanna make more than twenties five episodes.

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