huh.... 200 views? +chapter

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An~ I didn't even expect to get one view but thanks! I hope you enjoy this chapter

Tubbo's pov:

That was actually kind of nice. I really enjoyed hanging out with ranboo. Not that it was unexpected he is really sweet. After the movie we walked around the park a bit then decided to head home. We were so distracted we hadn't even realised that it had hit midnight. So ranboo began to walk me home. I told him he didn't have to but he insisted. As we continued walking I decided to start some conversation.

"So ranboo, where do you come from? I mean, I can tell you are from America but, where. What's it like there? " I said curiously. Looking directly at him to see his expression, only to be disappointed by his mask. He began to play with his fingers nervously. "It's not really that important." I was a bit confused. I always thought where you came from was important. "Why is that? " I asked looking him in the eyes intensely.

He got a bit nervous, but he quickly stuttered out a response. "Well where I grew up it was a really small town in the middle of nowhere. I don't even remember what it's called because its been so long. " he said incredibly quickly. "You talked really fast boss man. " I said a smirk coming onto my face. After a few seconds we drifted into a conversation about how he was the next slim shady.

We were still walking when I saw something... It was a box with a sign in front of it. I quickly ran over and looked inside. The sight made me want to cry. Inside was a small piglin child. It was screaming and crying. The sign said 'michael'. I felt a tear drop down my face and soon I was full on crying. Ranboo immediately came over and helped. "What should we do with them? " ranboo said in a shaky breath.

He was scared. " I'm gonna keep him. " I said flatly. He didn't bother arguing rather he helped me to the store where we picked out baby stuff. We got him a small cradle, some bottles, some toys, a few binkys, and some coloring books and crayons.We brought him home and ranboo helped me set everything up. I was really glad he had insisted on walking me home.

In the end once we were done with everything it was about 9:30. Lucky me I don't have work tomorrow since it's Friday! What about ranboo though?"Hey ranboo would you mind staying over. I at least owe you something. " I said smiling at him. He grinned back. "You don't have to, but I won't mind taking that offer! " he said. I could practically hear the excitement in his voice. I couldn't help but smile wider.

"So mister ranboob... Do you like the office? " I said an evil grin across my face. "Well, it just so happens I do! " he responded clearly getting the idea. I made some popcorn and got a bunch of chocolate. Preparing for the marathon. I put all the snacks into different bowls and brought us each two sodas. (Root beer for me and coke cherry for him. ) we settled into the pile of blankets.

Lucky us we were smart enough to keep Michael near bye while we binged. Because he cried a few times. Luckily we could easily put him back to bed. He seemed to really like ranboo. That's good ranboo is a good guy. At about midnight I feel myself dozing off to sleep. Tonight was pretty fun... Huh?

I wish I could do this more often

An~ sorry if it's messy I'm finishing this at midnight and I keep falling asleep on my keyboard lul... Enjoy. Sry it's short.

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