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I turn around as an almost breathlessly Antoine taps me lightly on my shoulder, his chest rising and falling significantly.

"What's up Griezi?"

"How has your appointment been? I have heard about the doctor and I really want to a-"

I interrupt him with laughter, shaking my head in amusement as I look into his shocked face.

"It's fine Antoine, don't worry okay?"

"So did it went good?" my curious teammate asks, obviously seeming relieved about my good mood.

I shrug my shoulders as I think about Griezi's question.

Elenie actually was pretty cute, we got along perfectly and her methods seem so much better than the ones of her father.

"It was okay" I say and nod briefly.

What an understatement.

"I am glad you are not mad"

"Why would I?"

I smile at Antoine brightly before pulling him into a bro hug.


Her innocent brown eyes twinkle as the corners of her mouth curl up into a small smile.

"Salut Olivier"

Elenie extends her delicate hand out to shake mine as I copy the gesture.

"Salut Elenie"

It feels like her cold, slim fingers are still lingering on my hand, pressing themselves against my sensitive skin.

"How are you feeling Mister Famous-Footballer?" Elenie asks, an amused but friendly tone swinging in her voice as she says so.

"I am fine" I reply without even thinking about telling her the truth.

I have tried my best to stay away from the alcohol and I have actually succeeded thanks to Antoine and Hugo. Hugo came to my house shortly after I had had my first therapy meeting with Elenie; going straight to the kitchen after I opened the door for him and collecting all the bottles of alcohol.

I still remember myself asking what on earth he's going to do, robbing me or what but he responded that it would only be for my best and that it was Antoine's idea to help me.

Ever since I have to refrain from alcohol, I have been feeling like running against a wall with full speed; my head seems to want to kill me because of the stabbing pain hitting it and my thoughts wander to Sofie more often than it would probably be healthy for me.

The last afternoons after practise, I drove home as quick as possible just to bury myself into a warm blanket and cry my eyes out while the sounds of the television are drowning my quiet sobs.

The worst thing about everything is that it has only been three days since Elenie's and my appointment and I have to suffer a lot more until I am fully normal as the doctors would say, again.

I am never going to forget about her.

"You can be honest with me Olivier, I won't laugh at you for confessing the truth"

Her soft-spoken words feel like she's burying me with honey; sweet but tenacious.

"I am telling you the truth" I lie smoothly and lean back into the wooden chair, watching Elenie as she sighs deeply and pushes herself up from her seat.

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