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-three months later-


I lay lazily on my stomach, watching a rerun of several episodes of 'The Prince of Bel Air' as I popped crisps in my mouth now and then. Will Smith had always been one of my absolute favourites when it came to actors and back at the times I had never missed a single second of this series.

Suddenly, the ring of my door bell interrupted my thoughts aprubtly, causing me to groan. I still barely knew people here in London besides my teammates and they never tended to just pass by; the least they could've done would've been texting me.

I opened the door and to my utter surprise a familiar face of a certain Frenchman was revealed, looking completely exhausted and white as a ghost.

"Griezi" I croaked, my voice sounding strange as I haven't been speaking the whole day long except for some curses.

"Olivier, man."

A heavy sigh erupted Antoine's body as he shifted his gaze to the ground, a hint of embarrassment being signalized by his actions.

"What are you doing here in London? Shouldn't you be in Madrid?"

"Can I come in? Then I will explain everything."

I quickly nodded before stepping aside and leading him inside. Turning the TV off and letting myself fall onto the couch, I motioned Antoine to make himself at home before my facial expression changed in a questioning one.

The Frenchman sighed again and moved his right hand in one swift motion through his hair, messing it up even more than before.

"The coach gave me some time off."

"And that's the reason why you're flying to England? To visit one of your friends?"

I didn't dare to bring the theme Elenie up as I knew for sure that Antoine was still sensitive about it when I spoke about her. To say the least, he was the kind of overprotective boyfriend who was absolutely no one to share his girl.

"Because I wanted to ask...Elenie to marry me."

I practically choked on my own saliva as I coughed for my dear life, quickly grabbing the glass of water off of the table to take a sip.

"Are you okay?" Griezi quietly asked.

Nodding, I downed the whole liquor that the glass had contained and wiped my mouth before glancing at Antoine again.

"I don't want to sound rude copain, but you have only known her for maybe four months? Isn't a proposal a bit...hectic right now?"

My friend leaned back in his seat and turned his head, not wanting to make eyecontact anymore.

Shit, my words were too harsh.

"Anto, I didn't want you to get it the wrong way, I mean I am not going to change my mind about the things I said but--"

"It isn't about you, Olivier!" Griezmann cut me off and gazed at me again, making me notice that his eyes were filled with tears.

"Griezi, I--"

"She fûcking said no, okay? She left me standing in a heart out of rose pedals and didn't contacted me once after!"

I gasped for air as I stared at Anto as if he had three eyes or two mouths. The Frenchman closed his eyes in psychical pain, shaking his head rapidly.

"She said that that wasn't what she wanted and that she rather not marry right now even though she loved me. I proposed to her and she just stared at me for a good minute before telling me that she can't! She fûcking left my life from one day to the other!"

I wasn't able to say anything. I simply felt gobsmacked by Antoine's story as I had assumed that both had been doing great and had been having the time of their lives together. Whenever my thoughts had travelled to the now ex couple I had tried to distract myself by going to the gym or cooking or watching a series or whatever. Alcohol wasn't my type of solution anymore and I was more than glad about it.

"What a bïtch." I muttered, clapsing my hand infront of my mouth as soon as the words left my mouth and hoped that Antoine might not have heard it but he chuckled in a sad manner.

"She is. And I should've believed you. Letting our friendship go down the drain because of some female was the worst idea I have ever had and that's why I am here. Je suis désolé."

I shifted my gaze to him again and smiled a toothless smile, shrugging my shoulders. He seemed so genuinely sorry that he could compete a lost puppy in looking sad.

"That's okay, Antoine. You could've just phoned me or texted me if that's what you're here for."

Anto grinned brightly at my words and somehow he looked not really sad anymore as he wiped the tears with the back of his hand.

"I am not only here for apologizing. How about we simply forget about females? And live the life of a single, wealthy footballer?"

I couldn't suppress the smirk that fought its way onto my face, nodding my head in response.

"I'd love to mon ami. London is perfect for clubbing."

***LE FIN***

Guys, this story also came to an end and I hope you like the way it turned out. Letting Antoine and Elenie be happy just seemed wrong so I let Elenie become the whôre she was from the beginning on.

Thank you for all your support, your kind words, lovely comments and votes; I appreciate every single one of them and I couldn't be happier.

The song for this story probably is Me, Myself & I by G-Eazy (i lowkey love him and i am proud to say that i have liked him before When It's Dark Out) and Bebe Rexha

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The song for this story probably is Me, Myself & I by G-Eazy (i lowkey love him and i am proud to say that i have liked him before When It's Dark Out) and Bebe Rexha. The song simply fits perfectly.

A big shoutout to my bestie keepmelukewarm who will start a marvel fanfic soon so in case you are fan or interested in it, I suggest you follow her and read the story as soon as it's published!💖

I love you guys, take care!💫💋

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