Chapter 21

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"Any plans tomorrow?" Mitchell pauses our show as Tyler joins us in the living room.

"Nah. Kate was supposed to come down this weekend, but she has to work so flying solo." He replies, finding a place on the large, comfy chair across from me.  "What about you guys?"

"Hm, not that I know of.." Mitchell trails off and glances at me for reassurance.

"Nothing on the go for us." I confirm

"Should we change that?" Mitchel glances from me to Tyler "maybe hit the town?"

"I'm so down to get out and blow off some steam. I need to Clear my head" Tyler shakes his head lightly. His hair flopping down onto his face.

"Ya what the hell, man. Were you serious about ending things with Kate?" Mitchell asks.

"I don't know." Tyler pushes his hair back off of his forehead, revealing his eyes. "Probably a good things she isn't coming this weekend, I need time to think."

"I really thought she was the one for you." Mitchell sounds more bummed than Tyler does about it.

"Same, dude. I just.." he combs his fingers through his hair once again and rests his head in his hand. "It just isn't fair to her."

"Isn't fair?" I question

They both look up surprised by my comment.

"Sorry. I'm just trying to catch up." I add awkwardly. More like I'm trying to figure out what the hell is going on is Tyler's brain after the bathroom incident.

"Me not being 100 percent invested in our relationship anymore." He explains

"When did it changed?" Mitchell asks

"Pretty recently." Tyler looks from Mitchell to me "like I said, I just can't commit to her when I'm still hung up on someone else" he stares into my eyes as he says it.

"Well, sorry you're going through that, dude." He rests his free hand on Tyler's shoulder "you do what's best for you. Well be here for whatever you need"

"Thanks, I appreciate it" Tyler says dryly.

"Hey, maybe B has a single friend you can borrow if you do decide to end things" Mitchell tries to lighten the mood "I mean, I'd share if I could." He winks at me "but, sadly I can't. So a friend will have to suffice"

"Ya, too bad we all cant just have  B, right?" His blue eyes catch mine again and I feel my heart drop. 

Mitchell leaps across the couch on top of me, sitting across my lap like a child. "She's pretty dope, isn't she?" He taunts, squishing my face with his hand.

Mitchell laughs. Tyler and I follow suit and laugh awkwardly.

"Come sit" Mitchell pats the empty spot on the other side of me. "We're watching B's show. I know how you love cringy medical shows"

"Cant turn that down" Tyler says as he moves from the chair to the open seat on my left. Great.

Mitchell hits play and adjusts my blanket for me, tucking it around me and encouraging me to lean back into him. I allow myself to snuggle into his muscular chest as I tune back into my show.

I wake to a dark room lit only my the light of the tv. My heavy eyelids slam shut for another moment as I fight to stay awake. I manage to pry them open once again and let out a yawn followed by a sigh. A quiet groan rumbles beneath me followed by a strong arm pulling me in closer.  I let my body settle into the strong chest I'm using as a pillow  and close my eyes, too tired to move from the couch to the bed.

"B" a hand trails along my arm lightly in an attempt to wake me. "Hey. You're fine" a deep voice soothes.

My eyes crack open, sleepy and confused I look around.

"It's just a dream" the same voice continues.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"You're still having those bad dreams?" He questions.


I turn my head in confusion. My eyes focussing on the face of the man cradling me through my nightmare. Confusion washes over me as I take in Tyler's sleepy face.

"Tyler?!" My voice is hoarse. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Shh" he hushes. Rubbing his thumb along my hand. "You dozed off on me and I didn't have the heart to move you.. I didn't want to move you" he admits quietly.

"W-where is Mitchell?" I asks pushing myself up, off of him.

"I don't know. I fell asleep and when I woke up to you having a bad dream he was gone" he shrugged.

"What the fuck, Tyler?" I question

"I apologize, but I'm not sorry it happened." He admits.

I feel a butterfly in my tummy hearing him say that.

"No. No, no, no. This cannot happen" I shove myself to my feet.

He follows. Standing inches away from me "Who are you trying to convince? Me or you?" He asks 

"Don't" I warn "this" i motion between us "this can't happen"

"You sure about that?" He walks down the hall to his bedroom leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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