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mun lay in his bed, staring up to his ceiling. hyeok had laid here just this morning. as mun lay there, he thought of the boy, and where his life would take him.

he didn't know if he made any academic achievement in high school. he only ever saw him when he was tormenting other students. he wasn't even sure if he learned any life skills, with the way his fathers treated him. would he grow up to be closed off an horrible? would he grow out of the habit?

a knock on the door of his home sounded, and he quickly jumped from bed. he was on high alert. it was almost midnight, so who would be here so late? he slowly stalked to the door, his hand hovering over the door knob upon reaching it.

he pressed his ear to the door, attempting to listen for any clue of who it was. surprisingly. mun heard ragged breaths coming from just behind the door.

he opened the door ever so slightly, poking his head out. he soon realized this wasn't the best idea. it was an easy way for somebody to knock him out quickly. but he also soon realized that this wouldn't happen now, because standing in front of him was hyeok u.


the boy stood shivering on the porch, his bruised, bare arms wrapped around himself. his hair was tangled and matted over his head with blood, and that same blood slid down the side of his head in various places. his face was an assortment of cuts and bruises. his lip bled, his eye was swollen shut, and a small shard of glass protruded from his cheek, glinting under the moonlight.

"i didn't know where else to go," he whimpered, stumbling slightly towards mun. mun reached his hands out quickly and grasped him in his arms, feeling the slick blood slide over his hands and stain his shirt.

hyeok's ragged breath brushed over mun's neck as he attempted to hold the beaten boy up. he struggled to hold him in the right position, until he was finally able to lower him to the cold floor.

he stared at him in disbelief. he couldn't even begin to comprehend the fact that this had happened to him, or the fact that, of all places, and all people, he'd gone to mun.

mun brought his hand to his hair and gripped it tight, his other hand on his hip, as he looked around the house. he didn't know what to do. hyeok's breath continued to come out as loud wheezes, ragged and broken.

mun made a decision to go to the kitchen and grab a wet towel. as he moved in this direction, though, he heard footsteps. "mun?" his grandpa called.

mun began to look around, trying to figure out what to do. he couldn't let his grandpa see hyeok like this. he quickly ran to the door to his grandpa's room, making it there just in time to stop him from leaving. "hey grandpa," he said, out of breath from his scurried attempt to get there.

"why are you awake, mun?" he asked, squinting without his glasses on.

"i just needed some water," mun tried, leaning his arm onto the frame of the door. "you can go back to bed, grandpa. i'll be going back to bed soon"

his grandpa nodded lightly and turned back into his room, walking towards the bed. "good night mun"

"good night grandpa. i love you"

when he didn't respond, mun let out a breath and turned back to hyeok, who was laying still on the floor. he sighed and grabbed a towel, running it under the warm water.

he walked to hyeok and sat crisscrossed next to him. his eyes were barely open, just a sliver showing through his heavy eyelids.

mun brought the towel to hyeok's arms first, gently rubbing around the cuts on his arms. he was especially gentle on the bruised areas. "who did this to you..." mun whispered as he continued to wipe the grime and blood off of the boy's arms.

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