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the factory sat in front of mun, mo-tak, ha-na, and ms. chu, it's eerie exterior leading way to the things that resided inside of it. hyeok was being held captive in this building, and it gave the four no chance but to go inside and fight. like they always did.

mun took a step closer to the entrance - a small, rusted door, and placed his hand on the cold knob. he gave a small glance back to the trio before turning back.

there was a quick moment of hesitation, just a split second, before he pulled it open.

the creaking echoed through the empty, vast, dark room, indicating to anybody in there that they had entered. their footsteps echoed as well, each new sound sending a small surge of panic through mun's body, a chill in his bones.

"we're here!" mun yelled, his voice sounding deranged and distorted as it bounced off of the walls of the factory.

a light turned on, a spotlight. under it sat hyeok, his arms and legs bound, mouth covered, accompanied by a woman. "mun!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air and smiling widely. "it's so good to see you"

"give him to me," mun said, his voice now hoarse as he looked at the boy, too great of a distance between them.

the woman placed a hand on her chest, as if offended, and took a step closer to mun, blocking mun's view of hyeok. mun shifted a bit, just barely, to see him again. just being able to see him gave mun a sliver of hope. "you should be kinder to me," she said, lowering her hand from her chest. "i can't-"

a muffled voice then sounded from behind the woman. she moved slightly, her eyes landing on hyeok, as did everybody else's. her expression had angered, him having interrupted her conversation with the one and only mun, the famous counter, that she would have the pleasure of killing. hyeok then said the same word again... "run". the word was barely audible, yet mun could make it out perfectly. hyeok now seemed fully concious, his eyes alive and weary, looking between mun and the rest of the counters.

he writhed in his chair slightly, and in just a second, the woman's fist connected with his cheek. "shut up!" she yelled at him, spit flying into his face. "shut up! shut up shut up shut u-"

mun decided it was time to move, as the lady, the evil spirit, yelled into hyeok's face. just the sight of that boy flinching away from her sent more anger than ever through him. he turned to the other three, giving them a slight nod before turning back. and then he pulled the territory up. it quickly swept through the factory and around the group, entrapping the evil spirit in his own little game.

the lady finally stopped, settling herself with a slight sigh before turning back to mun. though, when she saw him, the way his stance had become more confident and the others had spread slightly, her calmed exterior faded away. she took a slight step back, a stumble. "are you sure you want to do this?"

mun looked to hyeok, seeing his afraid eyes staring back into his. as he did this, though, his guard lowered for just a moment. and then he was alone.

mo-tak, ha-na, and ms. chu were pushed back by a sudden force, and toppled back through the door to the factory. it shut behind them.

mun looked back quickly, but turned back to the woman, knowing keeping his back to her was a huge mistake. his mouth hung slightly agape as the woman smiled, crossing her arms behind her back. "you're all alone mun," she said, taking a small step towards him. "what are you gonna do now?"

mun took a glance at hyeok, his afraid, beaten body almost shaking with worry, with with anger, with everything in between. mun stared at him, hoping he would understand. understand that mun would save him. understand that he would take him home and he would be safe from then on. he prayed he would understand.

and then he looked back to the woman, her cold eyes staring back into his. "well, come on," she teased, taking another step forwards.

so mun did. he ran, the territory making him feel stronger and stronger by the second. he approached her so quickly that the spirit hadn't realized he was moving at her until his foot connected with her chest, sending her stumbling back.

mun landed next to hyeok. he looked up at him, and, seemingly subconsciously, placed a hand onto his. it was cold to the touch, mun's warm hand contrasted to hyeok's. he kept it there for a moment, staring into hyeok's eyes, before coming back to his senses. he began to pull himself up, but hyeok latched onto mun's thumb, holding him there.

hyeok then shook his head wildly, his hair flopping all around, his eyes wide and afraid. but the woman's grunting and shuffling caused mun to look away from him. he pulled his hand from hyeok's.

the woman laughed as she stood, brushing herself off slightly. but her expression quickly changed, and she showed her anger, her eyes growing dark and mouth curling down from her usual smile. she then ran at mun, and just as it had happened as mun ran at her, he didn't have enough time to react. he flew backwards, landing in the cold, hard floor and sliding across it, before finally stopping.

mun stood quickly, pain surging through his body from the impact. he stumbled a bit.

the woman laughed and blew a bit of hair out of her face, swaying side to side as she watch mun gasp for breath.

mun, as his hands rested on his knees, moved his eyes up to look at the woman. as he moved to attack, though, the creaking of the factory door behind him drew his attention.

mo-tak, ha-na, and ms. chu we're on the other side of the door, pulling it open with their combined strength. mun smiled, just slightly, before turning back. he straightened himself. "what are you going to do now?"

the woman looked around, backing away slightly as she scanned the factory.

mun knew he was this close to getting hyeok back. all he had to do was scare her off, or hold her there long enough for the others to get inside. but either way, he had her. he had hyeok.

or, at least, he thought he did.

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