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hyeok had never been in a hospital.

well, unless you counted the time his father re-opened one, and hyeok was forced to join him in touring the reporters and citizens around.

but now, hyeok sat at the edge of a hospital bed, a hospital gown wrapped around him. he'd tried to refuse being taken in, because he wanted to be by mun, not forced to sit in a bed so far away from him.

a knock sounded at hyeok's door and he jumped a bit, though he settled as a nurse walked in. "i checked on the boy you asked for me to look in on," she said, her shoes squeaking lightly as she moved towards a computer. she set down her papers and looked to hyeok before continuing. "he's gotten out of surgery. he's doing okay."

hyeok sighed in relief, hunching over a bit as he released the tension. the nurse smiled. "let's talk about you," she said, turning back and flipping through the papers, selecting a few and pulling them from the pile.

hyeok watched nervously as she scanned over them. "your results have come back okay," she said as her eyes stayed down. "you have minor bruising on the ribs, which should go away in time..."

hyeok noticed she seemed to be confused as she continued to read through his papers, her eyes pulling down slightly.

there were a few moments of silence before she asked, "what exactly happened?"

hyeok stared at his hands for a moment before looking up to her. "what do you care?"

the nurse pulled her mouth into a hard line and looked back down to the papers. hyeok watched as that same look of confusion overtook her features, her eyes eagerly looking over the papers. "it's just..." she started, quickly flipping over one of the papers, "it seems as if half of your ribs are... fine"

hyeok laughed lightly, though it caused a slight pain in his chest, as the nurse looked to him. "yeah, well, maybe she only punched me on one of my ribs"

the nurse studied him for a moment. "no... half of one of your ribs. in the x-ray it looks as if it was... cleared away?"

hyeok's laugh eased away, which was quite an easy thing because the laugh wasn't genuine.

he began to remember how, when none of the paramedics were watching, ms. chu had begun to heal him. however, they were interrupted by one of them pulling him into the ambulance, not giving them enough time to completely heal him. which, frankly, was what got hyeok stuck in the hospital.

hyeok continued to stay silent, as the nurse stared at him.

but finally, that tension was broken when the door opened. hyeok turned to look at the door.

to his surprise, ha-na was entering, her eyes on hyeok as she stalked through the door. "visiting hours just started," she stated, giving the nurse a small glance before her eyes were back on hyeok.

"oh... um-" the nurse said, turning quickly and gathering the papers, "okay." she smiled and walked swiftly past ha-na.

ha-na followed the nurse shortly and, in what seemed like a second, pulled her around to face her. she placed a hand over her forehead and an energy emitted from it. "shin hyeok u and so mun were never patients at this hospital," she whispered. suddenly, the energy pulled back and the nurse fell, ha-na swiftly catching her. she pulled her to the side.

then, ha-na stood and pulled a bag in front of her, which was previously concealed to hyeok, and pulled out a bundle of clothes, throwing them to him. "put these on"

hyeok, having been previously mesmerized by the scene that took place in front of him, fumbled with the clothes as he caught them. he looked to ha-na as he finally got a grasp on the items. "why?" he asked.

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