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mun woke up, once again, in the basement of the noodle shop. but this time, he was accompanied by hyeok, lying next to him, asleep.

mun sighed. the last time he'd awoken like this, hyeok was gone, only a note left in his place.

mun looked at the sleeping boy for a while after he woke up. it was clear he'd been up late. but he didn't know whether he had... stayed with mun all night, or simply come to check on him and fell asleep.

one seemed more likely, but also way, way more unlikely at the same time.

he found himself smiling at him as he watched. it was such a peaceful moment, such a wonderful change from what their lives together usually brought to them.

it was as if hyeok sensed mun watching him, and his eyes slowly fluttered open. yet mun couldn't look away.

hyeok turned so his eyes were looking right into mun's, and he found himself smiling. "you're up," he said lightly.

mun's mouth twitched upwards into a smile and he nodded. what was he doing? he cleared his throat and slowly stood, refusing hyeok when he attempted to reach his arm out to help.

hyeok stood alongside him, watching the boy as if he would fall apart right in front of his eyes. and, to hyeok, that seemed like such a prominent probability that hyeok wouldn't take any chances. he reached his hand out and latched onto mun's arm, causing mun to look to him.

"what are you doing?"

hyeok was silent, his grip on mun becoming tighter. "i'm not letting you go again"

mun felt himself gulp ever so slightly, as he looked to where hyeok held him, and back to his eyes. "what?"

hyeok sighed and looked to the ground. what was he doing? there was no way he could confess his feelings to a boy who he caused so much pain to in the past. he doubted mun would ever reciprocate these feelings, whatever they were.

but at this point, he was tired of not saying anything. having to live holding this... thing... inside of him. he was so sick of it.

and everybody knows, hyeok isn't one to hold back.

hyeok released mun's grip for a moment, allowing mun to make way towards the door. but before he made it, hyeok said, "i have to tell you something."

mun stopped in his place, not turning to look at hyeok. he knew he could walk out of that room right now, not listen to him, just leave him here and go on his way. but, somewhere deep inside himself, he wanted to hear it.

he turned his head to look at hyeok, and then his body. "what?"

hyeok only stared at mun. could he really do this? he didn't even know if he was friends with mun. they had moments where, just for a moment, he thought mun could like him. tolerate him. not despise his simple presence.

"i just..." hyeok said slowly, looking to the ground. he really doubted himself then and there. he felt so insecure and vulnerable in this very moment, that he didn't know if he could say anything. maybe he should just be quiet.

but he didn't.

"i think... i like you"

the words were so unexpected to mun, that he couldn't find any words to say back.

hyeok advanced forwards, leaving mun trapped in place by his own feet, his own mind. and then hyeok was only inches away from him, his face coming so close that he could feel hyeok's breath hitting his face.

"can i... kiss you?" he whispered, his face coming closer, if that was even possible.

mun hesitated. this was all happening so fast, he didn't know what to do. but it seemed instinct to step away. "what are you doing?" mun asked lightly, his eyed boring into hyeok's.


"i cant do this," mun said quickly.

he wouldn't admit that he wanted to.

"why not?" hyeok asked, taking a step forward as mun tried to leave.

"why do you think?" mun said, almost yelled, as he faced hyeok.

mun didn't expect to be so hurt when he saw the look of shock on hyeok's face. but he wouldn't do this.

mun tried to turn and leave, to remove himself from the situation, before he found himself unable to say no to hyeok. he didn't even know why there was this conflict within himself.

but as he turned, his head sent a wave of pain through his body, and he stumbled, but he almost immediately felt a hand steadying him. he looked to the side to see hyeok had, once again, closed the space between them.

mun wanted to tell hyeok to get off. or maybe he didn't, but he couldn't get words out as his chest began to feel constricted.

"sit," was all hyeok said as he led mun back to his bed and lay him down.

"i can stay with-"


hyeok stared at mun for a moment before standing. he wasn't sure what he expected to come out of this. but what he did come out with was something that didn't feel good.

just as he stood, though, ha-na came through the door. upon seeing the two boys, mun refusing to turn his head and hyeok standing, staring at the floor, she stopped.

"you guys can... come eat," she said, still looking to the two boys. hyeok immediately pushed past her.

"what happened?" ha-na asked as hyeok left. "are you okay?"

mun didn't respond, he only continued to stare away from her.

but ha-na already knew what had happened. she had sensed it from the beginning.

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