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mun followed after ha-na, their strange encounter lingering in his mind. it's not like he was enjoying having hyeok with him. mun just wasn't a horrible person, and he wouldn't turn him away when he came to him. that was it.

mo-tak and hyeok watched as ha-na re-entered the room, followed by mun. it was as if their eyes hadn't left the door since the two had left.

mun made a split second decision, doing just as mo-tak had earlier and slipping into the chair next to hyeok. ha-na glared at him and slowly moved to the other side of the table, mo-tak watching her every movement.

just then, ms. chu re-emerged from the kitchen, holding a tray full of various bowls and an array of chopsticks.

she seemed to immediately notice the tension, pausing as she approached the table. but then she continued forward and placed the tray down.

she began to pass them out, the quiet clank of the bowls being the only sound in the room. after she'd finally placed the bowls, she sat, leaning back into her chair. "eat up," she said as cheerfully as possible, laughing a bit to attempt to ease the tension.

mun slowly leaned forwards and grabbed his chopsticks, to which the others mirrored his actions.

"wait... mun it's probably-"

ms. chu's words were interrupted by mun spitting out the food that had made its way into his mouth.

"are you okay?" hyeok immediately asked, placing his hand on mun's back as he coughed. mun looked to the boy and nodded, though he continued to cough.

"...hot," ms. chu finished, sighing as she sunk back into her chair. mo-tak and ha-na shared yet another glance before gently setting their chopsticks down onto the table.

mun felt as hyeok quickly removed his hand from his back, and looked to see him slowly wiping his hand on his shirt, like he was moving through jello. his eyes we're still on mun, a surprised look on his own face. "what?" mun asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "i'm fine"

hyeok cleared his throat and looked back to his food. "okay"

and then that same silence took over again. nobody ate their food, as it was too hot. they just... sat.

"how are you feeling-" ms. chu started, though she didn't know the boy's name.

"hyeok." he gave her a weak smile.

"hyeok," ms. chu repeated. "are you okay?"

hyeok seemed to think for a moment, looking to the wall behind ms. chu. "yes"

mun scratched his head and mo-tak leaned back into his seat, eyeing hyeok.

"so... hyeok," mo-tak started, turning the boy's attention to him. "what's your problem?"

"i'm sorry?" he asked. he looked to mun, who was staring dead at mo-tak, shaking his head lightly.

"mo-tak..." ms. chu said. a warning. he held up his hand to stop her.

"i said what's your problem?"

nobody said a word, nobody even moved a muscle. "there's no problem," hyeok said, a bit of annoyance weaving it's way into his voice.

mo-tak laughed and leaned forwards, resting his elbows on the table. the table rattled slightly. "what are you doing with mun?"

mun drew his lip between his lower teeth, looking to hyeok. "don't answer him," mun said. he then turned to mo-tak. "what are you doing?"

"i'm just asking this nice young boy a few questions." mo-tak shrugged, barely looking to mun before his eyes returned to hyeok. "you think it's fun to beat people up?"

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