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A/N- sorry it's been so long! i've been really busy so i didn't have much time to write, but i was able to get this chapter together. next one should be out by monday/tuesday :)

mun awoke in a cold sweat, a headache slowly making way into his head. it spread up to his eyes and opened then unwillingly, revealing himself to a dark room. what time is it?

mun groaned and checked his phone, seeing the time was around 4pm. he stood slowly and pulled the curtains to his window open. his room became a bit lighter.

he then looked around his room, noticing for the first time that hyeok was gone. "hyeok?" he looked around the room a bit more, though that couldn't keep him busy for long, since his room was so small. "i knew i shouldn't have taken my eyes off of him..." he whispered to himself.

mun turned his body to face the rest of his room, and now noticed something else. everything seemed... off. his door had become slightly ajar, and the house seemed empty.

mun stalked out of his room, poking his head through before completely exiting the room.

in front of him was a scene he had stupidly thought was avoidable. it was the thing that he thought would happen sooner or later, but refused to even contemplate it being a possibility.

hyeok wouldnt do this, right?

mun ran to his grandparents side. each lay next to each other, their unconscious bodies plastered over the floor. "grandpa!" mun yelled, shaking him. he didn't wake.

he moved to his grandma, latching onto her shoulders and shaking her as well. "please wake up!"

mun pulled his phone out and quickly dialed 119, his hands shaking. he stopped after putting the first number in, though, as he realized his best chance was to get ms. chu. in fact, his best chance was to call all of them. they had to help him find hyeok, find who did this.

mun put in mo-tak's number and called him. it rang a few times before mo-tak answered.

"mun?" he said, his voice containing hints of anger. "you and i are gonna have to have a w-"

"help," mun said quietly, his hand resting on his grandpa's head.

"help? what's wrong?" mo-tak shifted his tone quickly, immediately being worried by the boy. "what is it mun?"

mun let out a quiet sob, tears falling from his eyes and landing on his grandpas unconscious body. "hyeok is gone, and... and- my grandparents won't wake up"

mun heard the heavy breathing of mo-tak from the other side, his own breathing being ragged and slow.

"we're coming," was all mo-tak said before hanging up. mun squeezed his eyes shut and lowered his phone to the floor, leaning into his shaking hands, momentarily calming them.

so mun waited. he never left his grandparents side, though he was barely able to keep himself from walking out of that door and searching for hyeok.

after a few long moments of waiting, mun's door opened and mo-tak came in, his eyes immediately landing on mun. without saying a word, he ran to him.

ms. chu and ha-na followed, ms. chu taking no time in going to mun's grandparents. mun sighed in relief and fell back, resting his face in his hands.

he soon felt a hand placed on his shoulder, and he looked up to see ha-na's solemn eyes looking down into his. "they'll be okay," she reassured. but mun already knew that.

what he didn't know was where hyeok was, if he'd been the one to do this, or whether or not he was out spewing the details of his secrets. the sheer level of unknowing he was in was going to send him spiralling.

ha-na pulled her hand back and stood, looking to mo-tak. "we should look for hyeok"

mun looked up at ha-na's words, and he was quickly on his feet.

ha-na then looked to mun, smiling lightly, a sort of apologetic glance. "where should we go first?"


"he's... just gone," mun said quietly, scanning over the park. this was their last chance to find him, the last place he possibly could have gone.

it felt as if they'd searched the entirety of the earth to find this one boy. mun crouched and pulled his fingers through his hair, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

he'd tried to fight these feelings for so long.

he knew his grandparents would be okay in the hands of ms. chu. they would live and be okay, they would forget everything that had happened, and he would be with them soon. so that's not what he cried over.

he cried over hyeok. he cried over the fact that he would probably never see him again, that he'd live the rest of his life not knowing where the boy went. and that hyeok's last memory of mun would be how much of a freak he was.

a ringing then emit from mun's phone.

he stood in surprise, resting his hand over the phone in his pocket, knowing he had to answer it no matter how out of it he was in that moment. he looked between mo-tak and ha-na's solemn faced before sighing and pulling it out.

and in front of him, hyeok's name was plastered on his phone.

without a moments hesitation he answered. he'd barely noticed it was a facetime call until he saw the face of hyeok, bloody and bruised, staring into his eyes, though his were barely open.

"hyeok!" he yelled upon seeing the boys face. he'd tried to stutter something else out, but it was as if somebody had squeezed his mouth shut, rendering him completely unable to say a word as he stared at hyeok.

the camera was then pulled back, revealing that it was not hyeok holding the phone. he sat in a chair, his arms hidden behind him, likely bound to the chair.

mun stared at his broken figure for a moment before the phone moved once again. it faced towards a woman, likely around 20, her face a look of pure wildness. "mun! is that you?" she cheered, a smile prominent on her face. "it's so good to see your face"

"who are you?" mun asked, his voice quiet and containing an abundance of hatred and fear at the same time.

the woman then giggled for what felt like an eternity, before eerily stopping and looking into the phone. "i think the more important question is, who are you?"

mun watched as the woman smiled, looking back at hyeok before returning her gaze back to mun. "i actually know this one! you're mun. there's a lot of buzz about you in the... evil spirit world," she said, hints of laughter dancing in the edges of her words. "and i know this boy here is your friend. snatched him right from your little home-" there was a long pause "-and now, you're going to come here and get him. before i kill the pretty little boy"

mun looked up to see mo-tak and ha-na's wide eyes staring down at the phone. mun stared at them a moment before they looked up. mo-tak showed a quick sign of weakness, a low gulp, before his expression hardened and he nodded to mun, his eyes growing dark.

the woman's voice drew their attention back to the phone. "the abandoned factory on junjin, i'm sure you know the one. 8pm, don't be late." she quickly hung up, leaving the three standing in the middle of the dark park, staring at mun's phone.

and evil spirit had hyeok

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