The Warning

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Chapter Eleven

The Warning


'You seem in a better mood,' Sumaya observed at breakfast the next day. Nell all but buried his face into his plate of eggs to avoid answering her directly. Jeremy was sulking. He had asked both his master and his best friend what Nell had asked the old demon and both had told him nothing. Well, Furcus had told Jeremy to keep his nose out of their business less he wanted to lose it. Nell ate quickly because he needed to finish his writing work from last night. At the sight of Sallos sipping at a mug of black coffee, Nell scrapped the remains of his eggs into his mouth and stood.

'I'll see you guys in class,' Nell said. Even to his own ears, his voice sounded bright. Jeremy grumbled. Sumaya just shrugged and sipped at her tea.

Nell dropped off his plate and sat down next to his master. He felt the eyes of Denzel and the other nobles as they walked by. He didn't look at them as he grabbed his books and quill from his bag. The smell of the strong coffee was soothing to him as he unfurled the parchment and dipped his quill.

He felt hyper aware of the demon in way he had never been before. Sallos watched him write, pausing him occasionally to point out miss spelling and miss translations. His words were never impatient or irritated. In a much shorter time then Nell expected, he was finished.

'Thank you for your help,' Nell muttered, cheeks flushing slightly.

'Go to class,' Sallos ordered but there was a slight upcurve to the demon's lips as he sipped from his mug. Nell packed his things and dashed away to sigils class.

Arabella was already waiting for her students, the desks pushed off to one side. What was more surprising was to see Cadric standing beside her. Jeremy and Nell exchanged nervous glances.

'Sit,' she ordered. The apprentices all sat in their usual semi-circle. Perhaps sensing something was off, the room was unusually still and quiet.

'Don't worry, I ain't interested in taking on the unenviable task of teaching you idiots sigils,' Cadric announced. Jeremy sniggered. Arabella shot the old hunter a coy glance before throwing up her chin.

'Cadric is here to help explain your exam,' she said tartly. If possible, the room became stiller.



They had barely been at the stronghold for over a month! Jeremy's jaw was hanging open beside him.

'As some of you may be smart enough to realise, this may seem soon. However, we both feel that it is important to inform you all of these exams. What you may not know is that your education is based on six-ish months in the stronghold and six-ish months in the field with your respective masters. You also may not realise that there is a second group of first years that will arrive to train in the winter as you have trained through the summer. At the five-month mark, we will begin assessment of everything you have learned to ensure you will not be a hinderance to your masters in the field. Failure to pass these exams may result in you staying behind with the winter apprentices or your complete dismissal from the hunter program. We do not accept second best.' Arabella eyed them each slowly. Nell felt the colour in his face drain as her four pupils lingered on him and Jeremy far longer than the others.

'You are now informed. You now know the consequences for failure. Your lessons do not guarantee your survival nor your position as a future hunter,' Cadric growled. Nell's head was spinning. He glanced at Sumaya. She was sitting, back ramrod straight, her face set with stony determination. Arlen too, looked ready to take on an army, his jaw ridged and eyes narrow. It was he, Nell, and Jeremy, the two peasant boys that seemed to hardly fit in. He couldn't even think of it. What would it be like? To have this life and then lose it, to be sent back to the stables to muck out stalls and carry feed bags for the rest of his ten years of servitude to the demons? A human servant, bound to the stronghold.

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