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Patchpaw, was walking along the border, part of yet another patrol. It was not so much the other clans that caused them to patrol. It was the amount of rogues and loners seen lately. Patchpaw had respect for them, the way those outsiders lived, yet he knew he could never show it to Darkstar. Sure he was kind and understanding but those outsiders did threaten his mate, his pregnant mate.Of whom he was really protective, because of his love and allegiance with shadowclan. As patchpaw looked around at the patrol, he saw Swanheart being rather nervous, of course this was only because she had just become a warrior and she always tried to find a new way to prove herself. She was a bit stuck with her head in the clouds. Littlebear on the other paw was leading the small patrol with confidence, Patchpaw found himself lucky with Littlebear as mentor. Kind and understanding, taking things slow if needed. It was a good day to be out so Patchpaw was not worried, he had two strong warriors with him, warriors he knew were loyal to only their clan, not like those traitors of the other clans. How he despised them. He had even heard of a leader breaking the rules to have kits with some cat in another clan, without the clan even knowing. Being a traditional clan that follows the code was what mattered. Even Blossomleaf came to join us so she would not be a traitor. How he had loved the look on the shadowclan cats faces. As they followed the border closest to the moonpool the wind started coming in as darker clouds came into the sky. Patchpaw knew something was up as he smelled blood, fresh blood. No clan cat would ever murder anything near starclan. In the back of his throat he started growling. "Littlebear something or someone is out there" he said his voice filled with worry for his clanmates and himself.

Littlebear nodded "you are right, but their smell is not like usual" he growled as answers, looking around wanting to see the intruders. Every hair straight up on the warriors back.

Swanheart Quickly scanned the bushes and got ready to fight, growling very quietly as her eyes narrowed. Every muscle in her body ready to react at the slightest movement.

Patchpaw knew this was bad. Although he was 11 moons old he was not yet that experienced. It had never really come to a fight, an actual battle before, "should I go get help" he quickly asked in a slightly panicked voice. He did not know what to expect.

Littlebear turned around the fear showing in his eyes "no you are ready for this and there is no time we are too far from camp, help would be here too late" he said when something attacked him.

Swanheart also got tackled by another cat. Hitting her head hard on a rock. Her painful scream filled the area, the birds fleeing away as did many other forest creatures.

Patchpaw looked around frozen seeing two more cats coming towards him. Why two in my first battle he thought. He started backing away but knew that would have no effect in the end. He could try to confuse them, by using the trees. Sure he was not as good as skyclan who basically lived in the trees at this point, but he was the best climber of thunderclan. He had to, and as if it was a reflex he jumped in one of the trees leaving the two outsiders down on the ground. looking up wanting to see where he went. He ran through the leaves from tree to tree till he reached Swanheart jumping down on her attacker with unsheathed claws, doing quite some damage making the cat run to safety as he made sure Swanheart was okay.

"smart thinking but what about those two" Swanheart spat irritated as her wounds stung, the wounds given by her attacker. Yet she was still standing strong, the way Patchpaw expected a thunderclan warrior to stand in battle.

"same tactic, they don't seem to climb" patchpaw suggested as he leaped into the tree once more, he had to look back to see if Swanheart followed. After realizing he had not given her much time to react to his plan. Which she did so he sprinted through the trees to Littlebear, the other two attackers following from below. "ill help Littlebear you take one of the other two" He yelled as he jumped down again. With all four paws landing on the cats back flattening them on the forest floor.

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