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Patchpaw noticed he woke up in a grand open field full of the greenest grass one cat could ever imagine. Around him the pinkest cherry blossom trees ever to be seen, the sun shining bright alongside the moon, crystals scattered around the field. A perfect balance between darkness and light. Was this Starclan perhaps, did I die? Patchpaw thought as he looked around him. He noticed several cats coming down, eight of them sitting behind the other cats who actually seemed alive instead of cats almost invisible eyes closed as if they were existing but at the same time were not real. Something Patchpaw never saw before. These eight did not even have markings or a fur type. The other cats were what he was told about by Halfmoon, whenever he came back for the moonpool. Quite mysterious yet so familiar. There was this white cat with small Grey spots, a young cat not much older than him it seemed. The other cat he recognized as the elder who joined Starclan not too long ago, Brokenfang, once a wise warrior and clan mate. There were 5 more cats, 5 he did not recognize. "Who are you all? '' he asked in a shaky and worried voice.

The young she cat was the first to step forward "My name is ancient rune, and your name is Patchpaw, an apprentice of thunderclan as you all call it. But that does not matter. I remember you by another name, yet you have no clue" she teased.

"leave the young one alone, even we as starclan don't understand. how can you expect him to understand it just like thunder crashing down once" Brokenfang spat at ancient rune.

"understand what exactly" Patchpaw asked, backing away slowly these cats looked not at all friendly, so strong and full of knowledge. Cats he knew he should be loyal to even if he only had memories of one. And the one who he did not know seemed different.

One of the five cats Patchpaw did not recognize stepped forward "young one, us five are from times long before you were born. My name is thunderstar and these cats beside me are Shadowstar, Riverstar, Windstar and Skystar. We come to ask for your help. You are the first one who shall earn the awakening sooner than expected. Yet even we don't know what it means. You are the hope of bringing the nine including you together as you stand for so much more than you realize"

Patchpaw looked more confused now, these names are only supposed to be legends. Was it all true then, the stories of the clans being one. In starclan's name together with the name of the darkforest no one would believe this. "no I could never help you all I, I am not special nor do I want to be. You don't understand the clans; they only care about their own. How would I even find the other eight" he asked, a tear rolling down his face out of fear as he started shaking. Why did he have to be here?

Brokenfang walked up closer "because you know how to be loyal so I know you will see it in those around you, you are smarter and more powerful than you know. I'd recognize a special warrior from moons away" he teased a bit.

"You are known by many as Fidelis, a strong protector making sure those around him stayed loyal and detected those who weren't protecting all of Sunclan, before it all went downhill. You are not the only version of you. Never heard of reincarnation, you must remember something" Ancientrune hissed annoyed as she showed her teeth slightly.

"You know if I kill you in starclan you are gone for good" Brokenfang growled through gritted teeth.

Patchpaw just looked horrified "sunclan, I do not care about them and neither should I. My name is patchpaw not Fidelis. For my part sunclan dies. We already have outsiders to worry about" he hissed. He hated these cats and wanted to get away, but where to. He had run off and his clan would probably be really angry at him right now.

"And where do you think those outsiders came from, they appear to be a big group. At least the size of a huge clan. Strange if you'd ask me" thunderstar said in a calm voice. His gaze fixed upon Patchpaw as the other leaders stayed silent.

"so we are under attack from a mysterious clan that wants to murder us all" Patchpaw asked not sure of what to make of the situation. What type of group would attack a territory full of different clans anyways. Couldn't they find their own home, and what did he have to do with it.

"if I may, my name is Shadowstar, and although my clan can have the reputation of being mean. Even I want you to bring the nine together. There are five clans and neither can survive without the others. In the past those borders have disappeared to fight as one. We know that you as Fidelis can unite the nine so that the clans might survive" Shadowstar explained, giving a friendly nod to Patchpaw.

A brown she cat walked straight up to Patchpaw, "your journey will take a lot of energy for you must not only find them in the clans but also beyond. Search where a home was long ago now changed forever, inhabited by many others. One might not see and think we are the same but they share the same ancestors as we. They survive in the twolegs high up in the ranks. A place familiar to some of us but not to the clan cats. Search enemies and allies can join in a clan and recall the legends of the battle for blood." Windstar said in a calm but mysterious voice.

The next cat to speak was silver "your journey will affect everyone but you must leave the clans for they cannot know. The ones we can not trust are already among your friends. We still regret the last time. You are their hope for we can't save them, this is beyond our power" Riverstar said.

The last cat nodded "it is true for these cats are monsters forcing themselves into the clans around you. To kill you when you don't expect. Anyone could be one but we can't figure out who. As the prophecy said Right because darkness shall rise once more as the stars disappear, your ancestors no longer filledwith one of the sides, their decision shall make the fall come to a closing when the nine arecombined. I, as Skystar, will put my trust in you" the tom said.

Patchpaw did not really understand why they wanted his help. "how can I leave my clan they would never accept. And cats that live in the sky, is that not your thing. How can monsters live around us, hidden among us anyways" he asked, looking around at the many cats in front of him.

"we can't answer the questions you might have, for even we are unsure of most of it. What we do know must stay secret for now" Thunderstar explained as he began fading away. Alongside every other cats. "wake up when you are ready to go, '' he added.

Patchpaw stood there left behind, he did not want to go but the five leaders of the past did seem like they really needed help. How could all the clans be united he wondered, he was no leader or good at convincing cats. He did not want to be special. He wanted to be normal and finish his training after 8 moons.

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