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Standing in what Patchpaw recognized as the moonpool he saw the 5 lights turn into five cats. Five old and wise cats looking into the moonpool. Their coats shone brighter than the sun and moon. Cats he did not recognize but knew are important. Cats that seemed strange yet they did not seem to notice him. He was smaller than them, it seemed this place made him a kitten once more. He had to ask Halfmoon how this worked, it was so strange. One of the cats had golden eyes and the most beautiful cream fur, one light gray fur and weird colored eyes, something Patchpaw had never seen before. Another with different patches just like him with 2 different coloured eyes. Of the other 2 one a tortoiseshell and another black making quite the impression. Five cats different and unique but still similar seemingly staring at one and the same thing. Coco wondered if they had noticed him, he was rather scared he had met so many cats without even wanting to, what if these were evil and dangerous. What if these were Sunclans leaders?

The cream colored cat turned around towards Patchpaw and smiled "So good to see you young one. We have been waiting" she said respectfully, nodding.

Patchpaw took a step back "whe- where am I" he asked, he wanted to be out of here. He wanted to be home. Home in thunderclan where things were the same no matter what, the traditions that guided the clan. Could this day get any worse, or perhaps days.

"No need to be scared I am the sun protector but you may call me sun" she told him keeping her distance. Her light soft but yet like that of a leader

Patchpaw took a step back asking "but why is no one telling me why, why do I have to be the one. I just want a normal life in the clan I don't want to be special, it brings bad luck" he yelled tears forming in his eyes "special is just a word for freak"

moon growled "way to go don't scare him"

"says the cat who starts growling" sun replied, a grin coming on her face as she stared at Moon.

Patchpaw could see these cats were not friends but still stayed together, and he put the puzzle pieces together rather quickly after seeing Thunderstar and the other four leaders. If this cat was called sun that would explain the name sunclan. Were these others also the creators of clans he wondered?

Crystal, Spring and Night started laughing a bit knowing exactly what Patchpaw was wondering, almost every new cat did. Spring stepped forward deciding to explain what was happening saying "like the seasons change, cats also change, and what makes you special makes other cats special as well. We are the original protectors from five different clans, clans we created. Sunclan, Moonclan, Springclan, Nightclan and Crystalclan. The things we represented were far different from other protectors for I represented equality and respect for all" before taking a step back again, making room for the others to speak.

Moon stepped forward giving Spring a friendly nod "My name is Moon the cat that represents Hope for those around you. The light side of the moon at night." He also stepped away to make room.

Night stayed where he was but smiled softly "Night is who I am, I stood for guidance and teaching for those who had nothing and those that needed to learn. I was somewhat of a mentor to all that came along"

Crystal made themselves big and proud "I represent one's differences and the feelings we have, the way we feel from the inside, the side most never notice for we tend to look brighter then we feel"

Sun stayed where she was. Turning her head slightly away "I stood for honesty and a light that stops the fight, yet my clan is the one that has changed and turned into the problem. We used to live in peace but no more, and that is why we need your help for our descendants, live together with you. You are a descendant of all five of us"

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