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After a while Patchpaw woke up to the sound of another cat, as he opened his eyes he saw a dark ginger colored she cat that was a lot older than him. She had a collar meaning she must be a kittypet. Kittypets were not a threat, they were filthy pieces of fox dung. He narrowed his eyes and showed his teeth slightly. Trying to intimidate the kittypet. Or at least scare her off. He was not in the mood for this, first traditions then Starclan and now a kittypet.

"You do not scare Vos, you weak not like those big cats from the sky" The she cat spat at Patchpaw, a very weird accent making it harder to understand her. Clearly a cat from far away.

Patchpaw rolled his eyes, great a kittypet that can't even speak normal what was up with that accent anyway. "i just want to be alone, and besides you came to me so go back to those nasty twolegs and tell those filthy rogues to leave us alone" he spat back, the behavior of kittypets sure was not what he had expected.

The she cat in response sat down and shook her head "my name is Vos, I am here to help. The sun will go down soon. Not safe out at night, come with me, or get eaten. I just said you're not scaring me because I wanted to have a normal talk, no fight" She explained herself.

"you mean you want me to sleep in your den, with twolegs, and how did you come up with that. Not sure if you noticed but we are kinda different" Patchpaw said rolling his eyes at Vos.

"On the outside we are different, yes, but we both value our family, both want respect and no violence im sure. I have seen what those cats did, but I have no business with them" Vos said, as she began purring in amusement.

yeah sure Patchpaw thought. Because twolegs count as family, this cat must be crazy. Yet he knew it was too late to home safely with all those outsiders in the area. It was not like Vos seemed like a danger but staying with a kittypet that must mean sleeping in a twoleg den. At least it would be better than being murdered "where do you even live" he asked realizing it was his safest option for the night.

Vos pointed her tail into the direction of a large white house,"that one, the one with all the flowers" she replied, taking the lead in a fast paced walk towards the building.

Patchpaw knew he should turn around according to the code but he felt as if Vos knew something he did not know. She had this weird light around her, not very noticeable until now. It looked a bit like starclan but also different. Was this what he had to find? No, that would be too easy. She seemed different from the tales elders told about kittypets anyways. he thought to himself as he followed Vos. His eyes big like a kitten as he took in the twoleg place. It was strange and rather scary.

"don't be scared friend, my twolegs are friends too, they won't bother you" Vos said as she noticed Patchpaws big eyes while checking to see if he was still following.

"friends" How in starclan's name could a twoleg of all creatures be a friend. They took a cat to the cutter, made them eat yucky food, and have them wear uncomfortable collars. Yep that sure meant friendship, not. But maybe he should give the cat a chance, she seemed caring and kind. Besides, she offered him a place to stay in her den and it was safer with all those outsiders. Most clan cats would never even consider it, they would rather punish you for such thought. Well all clans except skyclan, with their dirty daylight warriors. He carefully followed her into the twoleg place. She lived at the outskirts of town so the walk had not been that long. It was a huge white rock thing, with a big opening for the den. It seemed so big. It would be big enough for at least three clans. He was surprised at the size. "Is this really your den?" he asked.

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