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Adiuvo laughed at Veritas last words "well in that case, my name is Adiuvo the one who knows when those around need help for good or bad to live or dead, I'm here for those in need no matter how big".

A third cat shook her head "the name is Curo the one that takes care of those in sickness and emotions, the one who guides others to a healthy life, I'm also the most hyperactive and talkative, I mean I can kinda talk and talk for hours but i won't do that today" She explained.

Another cat stood up and walked to Patchpaw, she gave him a friendly lick on the shoulder "I am Dare the one who gives to those in need, whether a gift or a speech I shall give what you need, I just want to see my friends smile" she said before walking away and sitting down again.

The fifth cat growled a bit "Praeteritus is the name, I see ones past and guide them to improvement" the tom said shortly with little to no kindness at all.

It was then the room went silent as another cat stood up, shining with authority "Ducis is the name the one that brings cats together as one, the one who brings groups together to be the best they can be. I'm the one who can make cats see past their differences to come together under my leadership".

One last cat had to stand up a black cat "Amor, the one who brings love and happiness knowing what one feels and how to improve in feeling is what I do. Don't be so nervous worried it's bad for Veritas and her fur" he said

Seeing and hearing all those cats introduce themselves made Patchpaw smile a bit, they seemed nice, well Praeteritus did seem a bit mean to be honest. Would be so perfect for miss perfect Swanheart he joked inside. "So what now?" Patchpaw asked, not sure what he was supposed to do.

"you're that clueless?" Praeteritus asked irritated

Patchpaw growled at him "well if you mean that where I live this all does not exist and I am called Patchpaw there as an apprentice of thunderclan with my own leader Darkstar, then yes. So sorry if I don't know these things, and for your information Thunderclan cats do not tolerate disrespect from cats like yourself, your worse than windclan in starclan's name, you piece of rude fox dung, I can tell, you might stay loyal but your kindness is not something I can see" he spat

Curo started laughing, not being able to sit up. She fell down laughing on the ground while Dare also started laughing "You are like Fidelis but more willing to speak up. Way to go, finally someone else to put him in his place. This should go in the legends about us" she joked

Veritas sighed "Praeteritus you behave yourself and you know as well as I this cat speaks the truth, I can sense it and so should you. Now Patchpaw it is, right? Not sure what happened to the name tradition but why don't you tell us more about your world and how it could be that our ways don't exist, with what reason were you sent to us" she asked.

Hearing Veritas use his real name made him smile "well things are a lot different, we have five clans, Thunderclan, where I live, we have Shadowclan, Riverclan, Windclan and Skyclan also. Of course lately we had an outsiders problem, but nothing my clan can not handle. Next to that we live by the warrior code and we are guided by starclan. The five clans are not enemies but also not friends we meet once a moon but that is it" he told them, nervously moving his front paws. Not sure if this was enough information or if he was a disappointment to these cats.

Ducis narrowed her eyes "where does sunclan fit in all of this" she asked, her presence making the room seem much more scary.

Patchpaw shook his head "I am not sure, I only know what was taught to me, but this awakening does it include seeing your former self but as a dead version, because then I might have a clue. Besides why did Fidelis seem like he had been tortured?" he asked thinking back to seeing the hurt cat before all of this, the cat that looked like him but different. Like he had suffered a whole lot in his life.

All eight cats got a worried and scared look on their faces, whispering among each other and not letting Patchpaw know what was going on. Had he done something wrong, were they angry at him?

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