But Your The One That I want Always And Forever

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But Your The One That I want Always And Forever By MandNwriterzz

Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Steve.R + Natasha.R
Words: 3k+
Published: November 11th 2014


You got something I need

In this world full of people

There's one killing me

And if we only die once

I wanna die with you

And if we only live once

I wanna live with you

Natasha shouldn't have felt this low. But what could she do? Ultron was terrorizing every innocent civilian out there, slaying all of them in droves every minute the Avengers just sit and do nothing. But as Tony kept reassuring her, everything was radio silence.

For now.

The redhead rubbed her nose, masking a sniffle with her hand. Clint was still missing, though. He said he was out, guarding and watching out for any potential threats, but that still didn't stop her from worrying about her best friend. Even though Clint thought she was 'sadly' claiming she still owed him a debt, she always snuck a glance out of the corner of her eye out the French window.

A knock on her door jolted her to alertness and she immediately sat up, fingers creeping underneath her pillow skin for the bump of her loyal and trusty gun. Emerald green eyes narrowed at the door.

"Who is it?" Natasha called out.

"It's me. Can I come in?"

She recognized that voice immediately and all she could do before stopping herself- and believe me, she tried everything in her power not to seem desperate- was jog over to the door, click the lock to the side and flop back down on the bed. The door creaked open and a face poked out.

And she just couldn't help a teeny, weeny smile.

Because it was Steve's face. He was looking good for somebody who had been constantly fighting and protecting half the world's population. He shot her back a reassuring smile that made her heart rise a little from its deep, dark hole of eternal misery.

"Hey," he whispered, closing the door behind him. He was wearing a dark, long sleeved T shirt and snug fitting jeans, much like what she was wearing herself and a pair of Nike sneakers. His sandy brown hair is spiked up and ruffled in a very cute, I-just-got-out-of-bed way. It took all of her self control not to brush her fingers through it, wanting to feel its silkiness against her fingertips. There was a tiny scar along his cheekbone from one of the fights.

God, he just killed her sometimes.

"Hey yourself, Cap," Natasha replied back, her smile slightly wilting. She propped herself back up and fiddled with the silver metal zipper of her jacket. "What's up?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to see how you've been doing." It was so damn sweet that he was thinking of her and her heart jumped again. He was so thoughtful most of the time, although he could be the most vague and oblivious idiot on the freaking planet, like whenever a girl was interested in him and tried to flirt, he acted like he had no freaking clue what was going on. It usually made Natasha both laugh and roll her eyes at his cute stupidity.

"How do you think I'm doing?" croaked the redhead sarcastically.

Steve raked a hand through his locks with a heavy sigh. "That's the thing, Natasha. Half the time, you don't want anyone to know what's going through that pretty little head of yours." He always said that whenever she acted snarky, but it still didn't stop her from slightly blushing at the Captain calling her pretty.

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