Similar Interests

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Similar Interests by I-am-the-fandoms

Rated: K
Language: English
Genre: Romance + Humour
Characters: Natasha.R, Steve.R, Tony.S
Words: 1k+ 
Published: May 1st 2015


Steve was sitting in front of the t.v. in the living area of the communal tower floor; however, he wasn't paying any mind to it. He was in engrossed in his novel, eyes reading the words up and not noticing Tony walk in to the room.

"Capsicle," he greeted, acknowledged by a nod, "Where's the rest of our flock?"

"Thor is visiting Jane, I believe. He'll be back later this week. Dr. Banner is working on something I quite don't understand in the lab. Barton and Natasha are on mission."

"That means we have the whole tower to ourselves, buddy."

"Which is why I'm reading," Steve answered, looking up to see Tony roll his eyes and groan.

"I'm hurt, Rogers. We have more similar interest than what you think."

"Oh yeah," he countered, "Like what?"

"We're both infuriated by Fury," Tony said, chuckling at his own words. He got a pair of beers from the mini-fridge in his bar and handed one to the super soldier.

"I'm not infuriated by Fury."

"We both love being Avengers," Tony said, ignoring Steve's comment, "We both like beer."

"Is that all you've got, Stark?"

"Oh, no. Of course not! We both would give our all to succeed in a mission. We both feel responsible over the destruction we cause, the people we lose."

"I didn't know you had that level of compassion," Steve said, taking a long gulp of his beer - the book forgotten in the center table, "The similarities took a deeper turn."

"Right," Tony said, waving his hand dismissively, "We both really like cartoons and pepperoni pizza."

"Is there a point to this, Stark," Steve asked.

"In a minute..." he answered, "We both knew my dad."

"You're running out of material."

"We both are in love with a red head."

Steve choked on his beer when he heard Tony utter the last sentence.

"Thankfully it isn't the same one."

"Tony, not this again?" he asked, knowing well enough his face was blushing heavily. He knew what Tony was implying - it was a daily topic of teasing between the two.

"Deny it all you want, but I will not believe you. She loves you, too, you know."

"Look Stark, I don't think Natasha is the type of woman interested in having any sort of romantic entanglement. I won't lie...I care for her...just as I care for everybody here."

"And if she did want romantic entanglements with you," Tony said, his signature smirk threatening to take over his face, "C'mon, Cap, from friend to friend. No teasing this time."

"It doesn't change much. I don't know how to do that. The closest I ever got to feeling..." Steve said, cutting off mid-sentence because remembering Peggy was difficult for him. He missed her.

"Steve, you haven't thought that maybe...oh, I don't know, you can help each other?"

"Why are you so invested in this?"

"I am an instigator of love, Capsicle...and Pepper and I gossip about you both hooking up all the time."

Steve took another drink, knowing well it wasn't doing him any good - if only he could finish the bottle, relax and maybe...

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