Chapter 6 - The party

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She is the spotlight the centre of attention "omg your performance was amazing!" Koopa troopa exclaimed. She was looking for Rosalina since she was ever so sexy and she needed to get her sweet lady kisses on. She ran up to her and accidentally punched her pussy which made her feel like she had to be sad "OMG MY PRECIOUS HELLO!" But then she decided her face was ugly so she swung her handbag round and wacked he voluptuous mummy milker.

Mayor Pauline pranced down the stars from the stage and took her bra off and gave it to Y/N to hold. "Burn it" she yelled. "But save the wire. It could come in handy if I need to steal someone's eye." Y/N decided she would keep the bra. All her others smelt like vinegar and bird crap.  "I'm going to bathe in manure" the
Mayor announced. "Y/N come undress me so that I may bathe in cow shit."

Y/N chased the sexy could-be-stripper down the beautiful streets of new-donk city. Everywhere you looked were naked prostitutes and crying ugly emo green babies, wearing leather, eating carrot skin and drinking blended radish and celery.

Y/N quickly stripped the Mayors clothes and admired her sexy square figure. Her titties were very floppy and made a splatting noice when the caressed her under-boob skin. They both then collapsed on the floor and fell asleep dreaming of crying ugly emo green babies, wearing leather, eating carrot skin and drinking blended radish and celery.

Y/N x Mayor PaulineWhere stories live. Discover now