Chapter 9 - The Myth The Legend Janitor John

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Janitor John awoke to him laying on a dead princess peach. He got up and realised his supplies were in the whores office. He walked down the street and into his little friends cafe. 'Yo my g kirby lend me some cocaine still' he said ripping off his janitor clothes which underneath he was wearing vicar robes. 'Hey how you doing my friend? Look Nana is here to say hello' kirbys Nan a pink skinned human walked out and waved at Janitor John who was basically a Janitor/Priest John. 'Ugly Bugly' John screeched as he took a few steps back. Kirby standing in shock turned fluorescent red and screamed at Janitor/Priest John 'do you mind!? That's my Nan!' He ran off with his Nan and turned around and death glared John 'it's my Nan at the end of the day' he said through gritted teeth.

Janitor/Priest John rolled his eyes. He was a literal pussy slay GODDDDDDD. He could call anyones nan an ugly bugly if he wanted to. He walked to behind the counter and disappeared behind a thick sheet of fog. He appeared in the lair of JC (standing for John and Clementine/Clementane (the duck twins commonly referred to as the c's). This was his cult. He lead these people to murder and lick as many people as possible. Next on his list was MAYOR PAULINE and Y/N. Mayor Pauline and Y/N had lived long enough, but now it was time for them to meet the wrath of his sharpened carrots, the c's beaks and his followers horns. His followers all had unicorn horns surgically welded to their heads. He had sent to of them after Y/N earlier but she was quirkier than expected. Oh well, not to worry. Neither of them would escape his grasp. He was coming for them. They better run. Fast. Sad music started playing from the speakers. "DEREK!" John yelled "THATS THE WRONG MUSIC" "s-so-sorry Pussy Slay Janitor/Priest John" he stuttered knowing what was coming next. Janitor/Priest John wiped out a football goal from inside his priest robs and laser blasted him in the cock. He stumbled back in pain. He blasted him again and he evaporated into black smoke. Dramatic music started playing from the speakers.

Chapter written by Stan and stalker fan
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