Chapter Three

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We appear in my bedroom, the room is spinning and I am very dizzy. I stumble around the room.

"Dra...Dravon. What's... what's happening?" I say as I fall to the floor, suddenly there is a ringing sound in my ear.

"You still have to get used to teleporting between worlds. Last time you teleported between worlds you passed out for hours. You're lucky you didn't pass out this time, I thought I was going to have to search the whole room by myself." He says as I sit on my hands and knees, trying to control myself. Suddenly I hear a door creak open. I look at my bedroom door.

"Lock the door!" I say, alarmed. I half stand up, still on one knee. I'm still incredibly dizzy and can still hear that ringing sound.

"Quick, where is it?" Dravon asks. I just ignore him and stumble through the darkness of my bedroom. I collapse in front of my night stand, next to my bed. I yank the bottom drawer out, ripping it from the stand. I pull a little wooden tab at the bottom, revealing a false bottom. Under the false bottom is a small compartment with the rock wrapped in a small cloth. Even though my vision is blurred I can still see the blue glowing spots on the rock through the cloth. I unwrap it to reveal a jagged rock, it is about the length from my palm to the tip of my middle finger. The blue glowing spots are rapidly pulsing. Suddenly it starts to sting my hand a bit. I quickly stand up, almost falling over on Dravon.

"Let's... go." I say as he struggles to hold me up. We disappear and I pass out from teleporting one to many times in a short period.

I abruptly awake, sitting up so quick it makes my head hurt. I am lying down on a cot across the large room from Dravon and Dollie who are chatting. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and try to rub my head with my right hand and cut my forehead.

"Ow!" I shout. I realize I cut my head because the rock is attached to my hand. My fingers are tightly curled around it, it feels like I am gripping it as tightly as I can. I try to pry my fingers away from it but my fingers don't budge. I notice that my veins are popping out of the inside of my wrist from gripping it so tightly. I slowly stand up and still feel a little dizzy but not nearly as much as I did in my bedroom. My vision is now completely clear and I can hear correctly. I walk over to Dravon and Dollie and pull a chair up to the table.

"So do you have any idea of what that is?" Dollie asks with excitement.

"A rock?" I ask.

"Oooh, not at all. That rock is a shard of the staff that belonged to one of the very first magicians in history, a fragment. That wizard broke his staff down into several shards because if you had the whole staff it becomes an unbelievably powerful weapon. Even powerful enough to end humanity." Dollie explains.

"No way." I say disbelieving it.

"Rookie, he still doesn't know how powerful magic is." Dollie says to Dravon. Dravon just chuckles.

"Do you know why my hand is gripping it so tightly?" I ask.

"No idea." Dollie says.

"Dravon how long have I been out." I ask. He looks at me for moment.

"Four days." He replies. I just sit there and stare at the rock.

"You know... it's not pulsing as fast as it did when I got it from my bedroom." I observe.

"Yeah, I noticed that to." Dravon says. "You want something to eat? I know you have to be starving."

"I am." I say with a laugh as my stomach grumbles loudly.

"What do you want?" Dravon asks.

"What do you have?" I ask.

"Whatever you want." Dravon replies.

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