Chapter Seven

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Dante finally awakens hours later, when he passed out we lied him down, he is now big enough for his own bed. Before he was so small that he would curl his body up and lie on my pillow next to me. The men and woman from the kitchen are doing different things. Some are reading and studying spells, others are taking turns sparing in the arena and a few are just chatting. Kasandra is sleeping in her bedroom because she was traveling for almost as long as it took Dravon to carry me to Láton. She was coming from Lord Karda's hideout. Kasandra has her own bedroom because she is the one that gathered all these people and started training them, and she is the one that owns this hideout. Kasandra was explaining to me earlier that Lord Karda's army of demon warriors are hiding in a hollowed out mountain. There is a system of tunnels and stair cases.

"How ya doin?" I ask as Dante opens his eyes, his eyes are now plain white instead of plain black like they were before.

"My back hurts." he says in a scratchy voice.

"When you were in the kitchen you started yelling, and began to morph. Your back ripped open and you sprouted wings. They are almost as big as your body." I say.

"If my back ripped open and sprouted wings why would you guys lay me down on my back?" he asks in a sarcastic voice.

"When we picked you up your wings started to fold inwards, almost like your wings were reforming your back. I guess we assumed that it would be ok." I explain as I sit down on the bed that is next to his.

"Ryan! You coming?" Penellope asks from across the room.

"Yeah, just give me a minute." I shout back.

"So what happened to you?" I ask.

"Every five years or so I have a dramatic transformation like with your arm. Since i'm a demon I don't age day by day like humans. I age all at once, which is a transformation. This is the third time it has happened to me." he says.

"So your fifteen?" I ask.

"I don't know. I stopped counting years ago but yeah, I would say around fifteen." Dante says.

"Well you need some rest. I'll see you later, I need to go train in a magic session with Penellope." I tell him.

"Ok." he says as he exhales a cloud of white smoke through his mouth, then closes his eyes.

I end up entering a room with Penellope that looks like a chrome colored cube from the inside. The door shuts behind us, closing verticaly from the top of the doorway to the bottom.

"This is the room that is for magic training." Penellope says. "These walls are meant to withstand any amount of power, which means you could never damage the walls. Anyway, show me all of the spells that you know so far." she demands. I make a ball of light, then push it aside as it still floats. I create a fire ball, throw it up, then throw an ice ball at it. It freezes in mid air but before it hits the ground I perform the fire whip spell. I shatter the ball of ice with the whip but this time there was three whips.

"That last one was impressive." she says. "Now come over here." She walks me over to a giant block of gold, about six feet tall and two feet wide. I lean a little to the side and notice that it's only a sheet of gold around two inches thick with a pattern of diamond as well. The pattern went gold, gold, diamond, gold, gold.

"Now, I need to see how hard you punch." Penellope says.

"But... what if I break my arm again?" I ask with hesitation.

"Just do it." Dravon says as he walks into the room. "Your arm transformed, remember? It's much stronger now." I just stand there and stare at the sheets of gold and diamond.

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