Chapter Eighteen

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      "Why did you come here?" A voice asks, suddenly I get punched in the ribs. "Answer me when I ask you something." The voice says. I can't see anything, I'm blindfolded, and I can't escape. The locks around my wrists and ankles are like the devices that Varcha has on his land, they deactivate any supernatural abilities that are within range, so the chances of teleporting out are at zero. This has to be a dream because I don't have the slightest clue of how I ended up here. I can never tell if I'm dreaming or not because my dreams are as real as reality.

"I... I don't know." I say.

"Uhh!" The voice suddenly groans in pain, then I hear a noise that sounds like something dropped... or someone collapsed. My blindfold gets ripped off and I see Karda standing in front of me.

"Hello, darling." He says in a British accent, then laughs.

                       "Wake up!" Karda yells, slapping me in the face with full force.

"Whoa...!" I yell, rolling off the couch in a panic. "What the hell, man!"

"We need to get to work... like I said." Karda says.

"I thought you needed to locate the next fragment?" I ask. "Last time it took nearly a week."

"I already know where they all are... I just made it look that way because if we went straight to every one you would think 'why didn't he do this on his own'?" He says with anger and frustration.

"Why are you so angry?" I ask, careful of what I say so I don't mess with an untamed beast.

"Because..." He yells. "I want my right arm back! Now let's get this done so I can."

"Okay." I say, not taking the risk of asking questions. He charges at me, running between the couch and coffee table, teleporting as soon as he touches me. We appear somewhere and Karda continues to charge, tackling a man and smashing his skull with his one remaining fist.

"What the hell!" I yell.

"This is where another fragment is... now help, these guys aren't just gonna let us walk in and have our way." He says. We appeared in the middle of a ring of buildings, the ground is dirt, looks like we're in some sort of tundra, it's daytime and the sky is... blue, just like earth. It can't be, we watched a full out attack... but only in New York. Karda could have said that as a scare tactic. Suddenly I hear a machine gun firing, then I see bullets strike the ground around our feet. Karda slowly walks ahead, holding a firm forcefield to stop the bullets, I follow behind him, throwing up a forcefield around me as well just to be safe. Men start running up onto the rooftops and kneel onto one knee, aiming machine guns at us.

"Karda... please tell me you have a plan." I say.

"Don't doubt me, boy." He says with his deep, demonically distorted voice fading in. This is the one time I'm glad his untamable beast is back.

"Keep your shield up." He says with a snarl. He teleports to the guy the farthest on the right rooftop, snaps his neck and grabs his machine gun before he falls off the roof. He fires at the next guy beside him, then teleports to the next guy, kicking him off the roof as he shoots at the next guys in line, all in five seconds flat. I follow his lead and teleport to the guy farthest to the left, kicking him off. Then using my fire whip to cut the next three guys in half at the waist. By the time I use my whip on the three guys Karda has already taken out the remaining twenty six guys. He teleports in front of me.

"Yeah..." He says, hopping up and down as he is limbering up his neck. "The adrenaline man!" He says with joy in his demon voice.

"How did you-?" I look at him in awe. He took out twenty six guys in the span of twelve seconds.

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