Chapter Seventeen

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       "So how many are left?" I ask.

"We'll you already consumed one, and I have already collected two. So there are still four fragments remaining." Karda says.

"Where is the next one?" I ask.

"There is still one more on this planet." He says. "The person who broke that staff down was smart enough to not leave all of the pieces in the same planet."

"How can you be sure where the fragments are?" I question him.

"Trust me... I know." He says.

"Whatever." I say. "Where is this one?"

"Unfortunately it's on the arctic continent." He says.

"Great." I say. "Do you at least know where to look?"

"Yes, but... I don't know exactly where it is. All I know is that it's somewhere in this region." He says, pointing to an area with a radius of about a hundred miles.

"That's not too bad... I guess, but its still a hundred miles in diameter." I say.

"Don't worry." He says. "We'll find it."

"Why is it that you're... not so evil anymore?" I ask.

"I'm not an evil person."He says. "I just do evil things that... that sometimes I just can't control."

"Is that what that deep demon voice was?" I ask. "Back in New York."

"Yes." He says, looking at the ground like he's... ashamed. "Once he takes over I... I can't do anything about it." I stand there, realizing Karda is just like me, or Dravon, or Kasandra. He's a person, he just can't control himself at times. Is that what power does to yourself? Is he really that powerful? To point where he can't control it?

"Alright... we better get going if we're ever going to find these fragments." He says.

"Yeah." I say. He grabs onto my shoulder with the one hand he has left and we teleport out of here.

                          .        .        .

            It's been a month earth time since I left everybody to help Karda. If only they knew I was alright... especially mom, she's probably freaking out right. Karda taught me a counter-spell that will prevent Kasandra from pinpointing my location telepathically, and sending messages. He's been teaching me a few spells since I left, it took nearly a week to locate the next fragment.

"We're here." He says as we appear in front of a very familiar place. The clothes store where I first met Tifini, I never did find out what happened to her.

"We're going to need a couple of big coats." Karda says. "The temperature down there will freeze and kill you within 15 minutes."

"Is that right?" I say as I look up at the sign of the store.

                         We walk into the store and everybody stops what they are doing. Everybody stares at Karda in fear, he has full torso armor and armor in his arms with a jagged metal design, same with his helmet. His helmet has a demonic design, the helmet has two large horns precisely sculpted so they slightly curve back. He has a large sword sheathed in his back, it's at least four feet long.

"You need something?" Karda asks in an intimidating way to a man and a woman as we pass. A customer who was near the door quickly leaves after we pass, he must have heard of Karda, not many who haven't. We walk up to the checkout counter.

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