Chapter Five

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After signing many papers Dravon and I exit the exotic pet shop with the mini dragon perched on my right shoulder, he is surprisingly light. It could also be that he is sitting on my strong arm.

"What should we call him?" I ask Dravon.

"Whatever you wish... master." The dragon says.

"Your more of a demon that a pet... and call me Ryan." I say. "This is going to be harder than I thought. I can't just name you like that, you can talk, you can think, you have your own opinions. You're like a person. This will take time." I say. Dravon grabs my shoulder and we teleport back to Dollie's place.

When we arrive Dravon sets the demon book back on the table. Dollie is eating when he turns his head and see's the dragon. He just stares at it with his mouth hanging open.

"Like our new friend?" I ask with a smile. Dollie still says nothing. The dragon jumps off of my shoulder and lands on the table with very little impact. I guess he really is light. The two and a half foot dragon walks over to Dollie's plate, snatches a carrot and starts munching on it.

"He's actually kinda cute." I say. The little dragon gives me a mean look when I say 'cute' and grunts white smoke out of his nostrils. I take a seat across the table from Dollie, but next to the dragon.

"So, were you always locked up at the pet store?" I ask the dragon.

"No." He says with a deep, dark voice.

"No offense but is that your normal voice or are you just always depressed?" I ask.

"I am a demon. How am I supposed to talk?" He asks.

"I don't know. Maybe with a little more happiness." I suggest.

"I'll try." He says then continues to munch on the carrot.

"What was your life like before you were captured?" I ask. Dravon sits down as well to listen to what the dragon has to say. Dollie finally snapped back into reality and continued to eat his food before the dragon ate it all.

"First of all, I wasn't captured. I was donated to the pet store by my mother..." I interrupt him before he continues.

"Wait, you have a family of talking dragons?" I ask.

"Yes. Doesn't everybody have a family?" He asks. "Anyways my mother donated me to the pet store so that somebody would take me into their home and take care of me. She didn't want me to stay in the forest because it was a very dangerous place were we lived. Other demons tried killing us everyday, she could barely survive on her own. During one attack my mother lost part of her tail from a demon with claws like a crab." He explains. "That is why I am always sad. I think about my mother everyday of my life, she is the only thing I have ever had." He says.

"Well, you have us now." I say. "You know what, how about Dante?" I ask as I look at Dravon.

"I like it." Dravon replies as he nods his head slowly. I look at the dragon. He just looks at me as he finishes the carrot.

"That'll work." He says.

"Hey Dollie, do have a map?" I ask.

"Of course, very detailed too." He says. "It's rolled up in that wooden desk over there, third drawer down." He says as he points across the room. I walk over to the desk and open the drawer, there is a paper rolled up and tied with a rubber band. The map rolled up was about two feet long. I walk back over to the table, take off the rubber band and unroll it then hold my hands down on it to keep it from rolling back up.

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